National Arts Publications Database

The National Arts Publications Database is a bibliographic tool that gives access current and historical information on a multitude of topics related to arts administration and policy. The database contains over 7,000 bibliographic records—providing arts administrators, policy researchers, and advocates with an asset to help them locate information on arts policy and practice and arts administration resources and best practices. Many recent entries to the database may also include the actual publication for download as well. When possible, Americans for the Arts has included the publication for download, but in many cases the database is purely bibliographic by design.

Comprehensive Information on Arts Administration, Policy, and Practice


Published between

Author: Hightower, Caroline

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Report

In recent years a series of landmark reports was published in an effort to further public understanding about the problems of the arts. This paper is based on these reports, listed on page one of the addenda. These reports are all limited in that…

Categories: Fundraising

Author: Washington Regional Arts Project

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Report

Preliminary data were collected on the arts industry to gauge its economic significance and financial health. In addition, interviews were conducted to ascertain organizational needs and suggestions for improvements in the management and…

Categories: Funding

Author: Teresi, Lucy C.

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Report

Previous research on the characteristics of audiences for arts and cultural activities in the Greater Buffalo area has concentrated primarily upon identifying the characteristics of existing audiences. While there is a definite need for every…

Categories: Fundraising

Author: Gottstein, James F.

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Report

Previous research on the characteristics of audiences for arts and cultureal activities in the Greater Buffalo Area has concentrated primarily upon identifying the characteristics of those individuals who are already attending performances or…

Categories: Participation

Author: Arian, Edward

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Report

Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Public Administration, Chicago, Illinois, April 1-4, 1975. This article makes no judgements concerning the relative merits of the various arguments about art and who should get public money…

Categories: Funding

Author: Bernstein, Charles D. and anemann, L. Patrick

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Report

Very little information on the behavior and attitudes relating to the performing and visual arts in Palo Alto has heretofore been available. The telephone survey described in this report was a first attempt at obtaining planning and evaluative…

Categories: Participation

Author: Cwi, David and South, Jean-Anne

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Report

This report is Phase II of a study of the cultural institutions in the Baltimore area. This phase involves 1) an examination of the public and private mechanisms for support of the arts that have been developed throughout the country; (2) a more…

Categories: Economic Impact

Author: National Research Center of the Arts

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Report

This study reports that for fiscal 1973-74, the 471 arts organizations represented in the study had operating expenses of $79,742,000; there were 22,300 paid personnel, including 3,000 full-time, 3,600 part-time and 15,700 performers. The 1963…

Categories: Funding

Author: Cwi, David and Diehl, Albert

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Report

This report is Phase I of a study on cultural planning in the Baltimore area. The aims of the study are: (1) to identify the unique goals and objectives of the cultural resources in the Baltimore region together with the varieties of their…


Author: Smith, George Alan and Smith, Carol D.

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Report

This report examines arts funding, the need for the arts, and resources on how to meet these needs in the state of Connecticut. Recommendations: The following recommendations are explained in depth in Section 4 of this report. They were arrived at…

Categories: Funding