A Report on the Arts to the Commission on Private Philanthropy and Public Needs

Author: Hightower, Caroline

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Report


In recent years a series of landmark reports was published in an effort to further public understanding about the problems of the arts. This paper is based on these reports, listed on page one of the addenda. These reports are all limited in that they are now dated.


In recent years a series of landmark reports was published in an effort to further public understanding about the problems of the arts. This paper is based on these reports, listed on page one of the addenda. These reports are all limited in that they are now dated. There is no current, ongoing data base for the arts, nor is it possible to accurately state what the gross national product of the arts industry is, despite the fact that it could offer highly persuasive evidence for their support.

Nonetheless, from the facts and figures presented over a ten-year period, the arts industry emerges as impressive, in demand, and in trouble. With philanthropy as the primary focus, specific needs of the arts industry have also been articulated in these reports and interviews which are seen as critical if the arts are to thrive. They are:

  1. A healthy mix of both private and governmental support that will enable the arts industry to meet increasing financial needs while maintaining artistic freedom.

  2. Current, concise, correlated information on the state and needs of the arts industry and the means to interpret and disseminate that information effectively.

  3. A willingness on the part of both private philanthropy and government support to recognize the prosaic (utility bills, office supplies, etc.) as an integral part of the creative (it's hard to choreograph in the dark) and thus to make grants for ongoing support).

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Fundraising


Series Title:




Pages: 29



Name: Americans for the Arts (formerly Associated Councils for the Arts)

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