The Local Projects Database highlights arts-based impact projects that are happening across the country. Search the database for examples and inspiration of impactful projects or include your organization’s project in the database to highlight your community’s work. Once you upload your organization’s project, you can also select it for inclusion in your own Fact Sheet. Search for projects based on geographic location, sectors, and other descriptors of interest.

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Creative Stays Artistic Itineraries and Around Colorado Springs

The Creative Stays program is an ongoing digital campaign to attract cultural tourists to Colorado Springs and the surrounding community. The inspiration for the program came directly from  Read More

Arts + Categories: Economic Development, Tourism
Tipping Points for Creatives

In March 2019, the City of Albuquerque launched the Tipping Points for Creatives initiative, which aims to connect local musicians, visual and performing artists, artisans, and other creative entrepreneurs to resources and services that will help them Read More

Municipal Arts Alliance

The Municipal Arts Alliance convenes five municipal governments across Northwest Arkansas in an ongoing dialogue grounded in cultural belonging.

Cross-sectoral teams of municipal leaders from Read More

A person with a mask on wearing a blue vest

SF COVID Command Center's Artist-in-Residence program provides local artists unprecedented access to the City's relief efforts with the goal of creating narrative documentation for future generations

Arts + Categories: Health & Wellness, Public Welfare
Guaranteed Income for Artists Logo

CRNY’s Guaranteed Income for Artists program will provide regular, no-strings-attached cash payments for 2,400 artists who have financial need. Each artist will receive $1,000 per month for 18 consecutive months.

Women in blue dress dancing

The COVID-19 pandemic revealed the inadequacy of our existing social support systems, and in particular, the fragility of our arts and culture ecosystem.

Artist Relief’s  Read More

A woman holding a paintbrush smiling

Springboard for the Arts’ ongoing Guaranteed Income for Artists pilot supports 75 artists, culture bearers, and creative workers in the Frogtown and Rondo neighborhoods of Saint Paul and in Otter Tail County, MN with $500/month for 18 months Read More

Different color shapes and Municipal Artist Partnerships

A “relationship guide” to forging strong and sustainable creative partnerships between local governments and artists.