Potential Markets for the Arts in Western New York

Author: Gottstein, James F.

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Report


Previous research on the characteristics of audiences for arts and cultureal activities in the Greater Buffalo Area has concentrated primarily upon identifying the characteristics of those individuals who are already attending performances or exhibitions at these institutions.

While there is a definite need for every institutional manager to be aware of the composition of the present audience, there is an even greater need to identify those segments of the market which do not currently frequent these institutions. As a result, this survey focused primarily upon the leisure activities of the respondents in an effort to identify recreational patterns and attitudes in order to ultimately select those segments of the recreational market who represent potential markets to the arts and cultural institutions of Western New York.


Previous research on the characteristics of audiences for arts and cultureal activities in the Greater Buffalo Area has concentrated primarily upon identifying the characteristics of those individuals who are already attending performances or exhibitions at these institutions.

While there is a definite need for every institutional manager to be aware of the composition of the present audience, there is an even greater need to identify those segments of the market which do not currently frequent these institutions. As a result, this survey focused primarily upon the leisure activities of the respondents in an effort to identify recreational patterns and attitudes in order to ultimately select those segments of the recreational market who represent potential markets to the arts and cultural institutions of Western New York. Questionnaires were mailed to 623 Erie County residents. 448 households returned the four page questionnaire for a response rate of 72%.

Purpose and methodology of the survey.
Importance of various recreational activities to the community.
Indications of population life style.
Enjoyment level and attendance frequency for cultural activities.
Sources of information.
Price Perceptions.
Proposed voucher plan.
Segmentation of the western New York audience.
Characteristics of audience segments within the western New York market.
Cluster #1.
Cluster #2.
Cluster #3.
Cluster #4.
Cluster #5.
Cluster #6.

Table 1.   Marital status.
Table 2.   Racial distribution.
Table 3.   First, second and third choices of information sources.
Table 4.   Grouped price perceptions for Buffalo Philharmonic Performances.
Table 5.   Grouped price perceptions of live theatre admission.
Table 6.   Anticipated attendance under three pricing proposals.
Table 7.   Mean standardized factor scores within each cluster.
Table 8.   Fourteen most efficient predictors of cluster membership.
Table 9.   Attitude on theatre expense vs. perceived price.
Table 10. Life style identification of audience segments.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Participation


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Name: Arts Development Services

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