Ads Market Study 1975: A Summary Report

Author: Teresi, Lucy C.

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Report


Previous research on the characteristics of audiences for arts and cultural activities in the Greater Buffalo area has concentrated primarily upon identifying the characteristics of existing audiences. While there is a definite need for every institution to be aware of the composition of its present audience, there is an even greater need to identify those segments of the market which do not attend these institutions. This survey focused primarily upon the leisure activities of the respondents. It attempted to define recreational patterns and attitudes so that those segments of the potential recreational market for arts and cultural institutions could be identified.


Previous research on the characteristics of audiences for arts and cultural activities in the Greater Buffalo area has concentrated primarily upon identifying the characteristics of existing audiences. While there is a definite need for every institution to be aware of the composition of its present audience, there is an even greater need to identify those segments of the market which do not attend these institutions. This survey focused primarily upon the leisure activities of the respondents. It attempted to define recreational patterns and attitudes so that those segments of the potential recreational market for arts and cultural institutions could be identified.

The ADS market study was devised and conducted by James Gottstein Research Coordinator, Arts Development Services, Inc., in consultation with Dr. Brian Ratchford of the School of Management, State University of New York at Buffalo. The survey was administered by Consumer Facts, Inc. a consumer mail panel of Market Facts, Inc. Questionnaires were mailed to 623 Erie County residents with a response rate of 72%. Demographically those who answered the questionnaire were generally representative of the Western New York population. The Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra, pops and classical concerts, the Studio Arena Theatre, the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, the Science Museum, the Historical Museum, the Zoo and other live theatre represent this study's primary concern.

In an effort to avoid socially acceptable answers, an additional 13 common types of recreational activities (e.g. spectator and participation sports, social activities etc) were also included. The questionnaire was entitled Leisure Time Study and the questions were presented so as not to reveal the intent of the study. What areas did the study investigate? 1. The importance of these cultural activities/institutions to the community. 2. Some general attitudes of the respondents. 3. Enjoyment levels and frequency of attendance at cultural activities/institutions. 4. Sources of information for cultural events. 5. Estimation of admission prices. 6. Acceptability of the Voucher Plan. 7. Identification of the life style of segments of the audience.

Each area of information investigated is initially broken down into two parts - the Performing Arts and the Visual Arts which are subdivided into specifics, i.e. the Albright-Knox and the Studio Arena. For each specific cultural activity/institution, there is a further demographic breakdown into: educational, occupational and income levels. Although the emphasis is on those respondents who manifest no opinion about the cultural activities/institutions under investigation, statistics on respondents with positive and negative opinions are included so that comparisons may easily be made.

CONTENTS: Why a market study? How the study was made. What activities were considered? What areas did the study investigate? How is the information arranged in this report. 1. The importance of cultural activities to the community. The performing arts. The visual arts. 2. General attitudes. 3. Enjoyment levels and frequency of attendance. a. The performing arts. b. The visual arts. 4. Sources of information. 5. Estimation of admission prices. 6. Acceptability of Voucher Plan.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Fundraising


Series Title:




Pages: 16



Name: Arts Development Services

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