First Report on the Arts and Their Needs in the State of Connecticut

Author: Smith, George Alan and Smith, Carol D.

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Report


This report examines arts funding, the need for the arts, and resources on how to meet these needs in the state of Connecticut. Recommendations: The following recommendations are explained in depth in Section 4 of this report. They were arrived at by a combination of factors: meetings with Connecticut Commission on the Arts and Connecticut Foundation for the Arts staffs and the Steering Committee membership; meetings with various representatives of arts, corporations, foundations, trusts, and related areas; general background information and understandings gained in the cultural field over the last few years.


This report examines arts funding, the need for the arts, and resources on how to meet these needs in the state of Connecticut. Recommendations: The following recommendations are explained in depth in Section 4 of this report. They were arrived at by a combination of factors: meetings with Connecticut Commission on the Arts and Connecticut Foundation for the Arts staffs and the Steering Committee membership; meetings with various representatives of arts, corporations, foundations, trusts, and related areas; general background information and understandings gained in the cultural field over the last few years.

  1. Recommendation: The Commission/Foundation should: enter into an intensive and continuous communications program stating the case for the arts in Connecticut and the financial support necessary to sustain that cultural environment.

  2. Recommendation: The Commission/Foundation should: immediately mount a statewide public relations campaign to familiarize all appropriate publics - arts, foundations, corporations, education and legal - with the needs and goals of the Commission/Foundation.

  3. Recommendation: The Commission/Foundation should: follow up on Mr. Cogen's suggestion of surveying municipal executives to learn of their attitudes and views of the function of the arts in the community environment.

  4. Recommendation: The Commission/Foundation should: develop a master list of those Connecticut businesses and industries that have given to the arts in the last five years, coupled with identification of some of those corporations that could, should and haven't.

  5. Recommendation: The Commission/Foundation should: create a deferred giving and bequest program brochure for dissemination to lawyers and estate trustees.

  6. Further research is required in:
                 a. Arts assessment.
                 b. Individual artists needs.
                 c. Effect of arts economy on the state.
                 d. Audience responsiveness.
                 e. Corporate economy.
                 f. New methodologies and delivery systems.

  7. The forgiveness program should be initiated in the near future.

1. Recommendations.
2. Introduction.
3. Statement of intent.

4. Nature of the inquiry: 

         A. Meetings - Arts organizations.
             Corporate leadership.
             Greater Hartford Arts Council.
             Estate trustees.
             Other meetings.

         B. Other resources.

5. The study process: 

         A. Arts organizations.
             Corporate fund raising.
             Educational program.
             Government funding.
             New funding ideas.
             Understanding the Commission/Foundation.
             Commission and the Arts cooperation.

         B. Arts Councils: Greater Hartford Arts Council.

         C. The corporation and the Connecticut Foundation for the Arts.

         D. Foundations.

         E. Trust officers.

         F. Municipal government: Meeting with Joel Cogen.
             National Endowment for the Arts.
             General revenue sharing.

6. An assessment, with some conclusions, recommendations and options:
         Consciousness raising.
         Public relations.
         State government.
         Municipal government.
         Corporate support.
         Deferred giving and bequest program.
         Other funding suggestions.
         Some observations on the Commission's and Foundation's role.
         The Foundation: Some further thoughts.

Appendix: An approach to fund raising: First observations.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Funding


Series Title:




Pages: 84




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