National Arts Publications Database

The National Arts Publications Database is a bibliographic tool that gives access current and historical information on a multitude of topics related to arts administration and policy. The database contains over 7,000 bibliographic records—providing arts administrators, policy researchers, and advocates with an asset to help them locate information on arts policy and practice and arts administration resources and best practices. Many recent entries to the database may also include the actual publication for download as well. When possible, Americans for the Arts has included the publication for download, but in many cases the database is purely bibliographic by design.

Comprehensive Information on Arts Administration, Policy, and Practice


Published between

Author: State University of New York, Art Department

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Conference paper/presentation

Cosponsored by the Augsburg Foundation and the Alcoa Foundation, held at the State University College of Arts and Science, Potsdam, New York, October 30-31, 1980 - November 1, 1980. These proceedings are the result of a joint symposium and art…

Categories: Fundraising

Author: Benedict, Stephen

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Book

Despite am economic and political climate anything but conducive to growth, the large picture of the arts in the United States is one of continued development in breadth and depth.

Categories: Funding

Author: Fuller, John W.; Kralik, Scott; Nichols, Steve; Peckham, Dean; and Schwab, James

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Report

During 1981 and 1982 faculty and graduate students at The University of Iowa investigated the economic impact of arts activity in Iowa, by measuring both direct and indirect effects of the activity of individual artists and arts organizations. This…

Categories: Economic Impact

Author: Ballantine, Frank

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Report

History and development of the Astoria Motion Picture and Television Center located in Astoria, Queens. The Center is the only American facility outside the Los Angeles film complex which has both the capacity and the purpose of providing interior…


Author: Merryman, John Henry and Elsen, Albert E.

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Report

The authors examine a variety of significantly different situations of stolen and smuggled cultural objects which can be acquired by collectors and museums. Each case examined, in their opinion, calls for quite different legal treatment. They…

Categories: Cultural Planning

Author: Schafer, D. Paul

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Report

The Eighties have been described as a time for the arts. One proof of this is the Applebaum-Hebert odyssey to gather data for a review of national cultural policy, and its eventual impact on the nation as a whole. Municipalities across Canada are…

Categories: Community Development

Author: Stein, Tobie S.

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Report

The National Endowment for the Arts' impact on Corporate Philanthropy to the Arts: Six Interviews was written as a humanistic response to the Reagan Administration's March, 1981 proposed NEA budget cuts for the 1982 fiscal year; the current NEA 1982…

Categories: Private Sector

Author: Pinto, James V. and Leeman, Patti

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Report

The following study was designed to measure the economic impact of 34 arts agencies, organizations, festivals, shows, programs and events in the Oklahoma City economy for 1981. This is one of the first studies to measure the impact of festivals.…

Categories: Economic Impact

Author: Tenbrunsel, Thomas W.

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Book

The Fund Raising Resource Manual is designed for self-learning and was originally put together as a text for a fund raising course. The Manual contains basic how-to techniques on each aspect of fund raising and grantsmanship. It is intended to be…

Categories: Fundraising

Author: Sterling, Carol

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Report

The future of arts education in our schools depends, in the last analysis, on the individual and collective efforts of arts professionals. The Arts Development Project at the Educational Improvement Center - Central has prepared this manual to…

Categories: Arts Education