The Fund Raising Resource Manual

Author: Tenbrunsel, Thomas W.

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Book


The Fund Raising Resource Manual is designed for self-learning and was originally put together as a text for a fund raising course. The Manual contains basic how-to techniques on each aspect of fund raising and grantsmanship. It is intended to be useful to both the expert and the novice in the field. In addition to the Manual, I am the co-author of The Participant's Guide to the Grantsmanship Workshop and a book entitled Fund-Raising and Grantsmanship: Getting Money from the Community for the Community.


The Fund Raising Resource Manual is designed for self-learning and was originally put together as a text for a fund raising course. The Manual contains basic how-to techniques on each aspect of fund raising and grantsmanship. It is intended to be useful to both the expert and the novice in the field. In addition to the Manual, I am the co-author of The Participant's Guide to the Grantsmanship Workshop and a book entitled Fund-Raising and Grantsmanship: Getting Money from the Community for the Community.

Each chapter contains an introduction, source materials (charts, examples and worksheets), a funding strategy portfolio exercise, a bibliography, and a quiz to test your learning. It is necessary to start with Chapters 1 and 2 because they contain basic information that precedes any actual fund raising. However, after studying Chapters 1 and 2, you can proceed to other chapters in any order depending on your preference.

The Manual begins with an introductory chapter that helps you to examine your attitude and to look at those processes necessary for successful grantsmanship and fund raising. It stresses the diversification funding strategy for nonprofit organizations. Chapter 2 assists you in setting up or perfecting your organization. Chapters 3 through 8 deal with each of the major funding sources. These chapters stand alone, but the well-rounded grantsperson must be familiar with each of the techniques. Chapter 3 addresses the corporation, the greatest untapped resource for the fund raiser. Chapter 4 focuses on the individual giver, once the greatest supporter of nonprofit organizations and still an important resource in a time of shrinking government spending. Writing the direct mail letter is the topic of Chapter 5. Chapter 6 simplifies the complex process of attaining a government grant. The foundation grant, a small but significant source, is the topic dis- cussed in Chapter 7. Chapter 8 looks at the special event fund raiser: the telethon, the bazaar, the bake sale, and the like. (p. vii-viii)


1. Fundraising:
         Fund raising quiz.
         Examine your attitude.
         Funding strategies.
         The six-step process to successful fund raising. 
         Funding strategy.

2. Your organization:
         Budget checklist.
         Sample line item budget.
         Sample task-based budget.
         Your Board of Directors.
         Incorporation checklist.
         Funding strategy portfolio.

3. Corporate giving:
         Six-step process to identifying corporate resources.
         Prioritizing potential corporate donors.
         Corporate cultivation form.
         The initial phone call.
         The letter proposal.
         Funding strategy portfolio.

4. Individual giving:
         The funding pyramid.
         Public sources of information.
         Semipublic sources of information.
         Standards for philanthropy. 
         Using a professional fund raiser.
         National organizations related to philanthropy.
         Funding strategy portfolio.

5. Individual giving by direct mail:
         From prospect list to house list.
         Mailing lists.
         Direct mail checklist.
         Evaluation of your direct mail campaign.
         How to assess long-range effectiveness.
         Funding strategy portfolio.

6. Government funding:
         Types of grants.
         Sources of information on government funding.
         Federal funding sources worksheet.
         Initial phone call checklist.
         Proposal writing process.
         The technically competent proposal.
         Outline your proposal.
         The proposal checklist.
         Post-proposal activities.
         Funding strategy portfolio.

7. Foundations:
         Types of foundations.
         Twenty largest independent foundations. 
         Twenty largest company-sponsored foundations.
         Largest community foundations.
         Sources of information on foundations.
         State foundation directories.
         Foundation funding sources worksheet. 
         The initial phone call.
         Proposal writing process. 
         The technically competent proposal.
         Outline your proposal.
         Letter proposal to small foundations.
         Funding strategy portfolio.

8. Special events:
         Some special events. 
         Special event fund raisers.
         Special event fund raiser checklist.
         Planning the actual event. 
         Funding strategy portfolio.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Fundraising


Series Title:



SBN/ISSN: 0-13-345058-9 (h); 0-13-345041-4 (p)

Pages: 182



Name: Prentice-Hall, Inc

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