Ideas That Work: A Guide to Strengthening a School Arts Program

Author: Sterling, Carol

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Report


The future of arts education in our schools depends, in the last analysis, on the individual and collective efforts of arts professionals. The Arts Development Project at the Educational Improvement Center - Central has prepared this manual to assist district arts educators develop ideas and strategies that will generate district and community interest and support for arts education in our schools.


The future of arts education in our schools depends, in the last analysis, on the individual and collective efforts of arts professionals.

The Arts Development Project at the Educational Improvement Center - Central has prepared this manual to assist district arts educators develop ideas and strategies that will generate district and community interest and support for arts education in our schools.

Increasing the visibility of your arts program will build community acceptance while satisfying students' natural need for approval and visibility. If arts education is to expand the foothold it has won in our education programs, if arts education is to survive in these difficult times, it must enhance its visibility and demonstrate to all members of the community - to colleagues, parents, taxpayers and policy members - the importance of the visual arts, music, dance, drama and creative writing in the total education program.

This manual brings together a number of arts education promotion strategies. These selected demonstratively successful projects were developed and tested by arts educators in the central region of New Jersey. Included are the independent, and collective experiences of the Cinnaminson, Freehold Township and Trenton School districts. The educators in these school districts have dedicated themselves to assisting you in making your arts program more successful and visible. Many of the ideas they share demonstrate to the school and community the critical importance of the arts to a comprehensive education and thereby contributing to the procurement of the resources necessary to sustain these programs.

If the presentation of these selected proven strategies suggest ideas for your own arts promotion campaign, this manual will have served its purpose.

This manual: what is it?
How were the pilot districts selected?
Pilot districts overview:
     Freehold Township.
Preliminary meetings.
Arts ideas that work: Guidelines to gain support for school arts programs.
Producing a project in the arts.
Time line.
Plan ahead: gaining permission and clearances.
Sample permission form.
Arts presentation before the Board of Education.
The Arts Presentation: How to do it.
Publicity: In-house publicity.
Reaching local media - Newspapers and regional publications.
Reaching local media - Radio and television.
Preparing for a radio and television interview program.
Getting the extra public relations mile.
Developing a strong in-house support system.
Support-winning ideas.
The printed program.
Getting it paid for.
Funding sources for your arts project.
Arts development project: Activities.
Arts development project: Activities overview.
How to present an arts curriculum presentation to the Board of Education.
How to present a budget request before the school board budget committee.
How to present an art workshop for school and community members.
How to present a Parent awareness day through workshops and exhibits.
How to prepare a newsletter.
How to publicize a student performance.
How to organize a Mayor's awards: Students achieve day.
How to publicize a school event using a giant puppet.
How to publicize a high school band program and recruit incoming students.
How to publicize a high school choral workshop group and recruit new members.
How to present a multi-school concert for school board members, Central Administration and the public.
How to organize a school art exhibit: Annual spring art fete.
How to organize a district-wide art exhibit.
How to display student art work outside of the district: Educational improvement Center-Central.
How to display student art work outside of the district: New Jersey State museum.
How to present a gymnastics program to showcase an aspect of the Physical Education program.
How to introduce a dance unit in the elementary curriculum.
How to showcase a local dance group as part of a school/community cooperative effort.
How to foster multicultural understanding through a schoolwide celebration: Chinese New Year.
     Checklist for setting up meetings.
     How to develop a slide tape presentation.
     Sample slide tape narration with suggestions for visuals.
     Sample story board page for slide tape presentation.
     Sample press release(s).
     Sample public service announcements for radio or television.
     How to prepare for a radio or television interview.
     Sample script of questions and answers for TV talk show (role play).
     Sample radio and TV interview.
     Sample Parent Awareness Day flyer.
     Sample Parent Awareness Day registration form.
     Super attention getter: How to make a giant puppet using inexpensive materials.
     Media resources for arts educators in Central Region of New Jersey.
     Television and radio stations that will announce community arts events.
Arts resources: agencies and organizations.
     Arts Education.
     General Education.
Media resources to promote arts education.
Matrices: More public relations arts ideas that work.
Arts Education materials for sale at the educational improvement Center-Central.
Arts Education materials for sale at EIC-Central order form.
Order form for additional copies of this manual.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Arts Education


Series Title:




Pages: 157




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