National Arts Publications Database

The National Arts Publications Database is a bibliographic tool that gives access current and historical information on a multitude of topics related to arts administration and policy. The database contains over 7,000 bibliographic records—providing arts administrators, policy researchers, and advocates with an asset to help them locate information on arts policy and practice and arts administration resources and best practices. Many recent entries to the database may also include the actual publication for download as well. When possible, Americans for the Arts has included the publication for download, but in many cases the database is purely bibliographic by design.

Comprehensive Information on Arts Administration, Policy, and Practice


Published between

Author: McManus, Drew

Publication Year:

Media Type: Periodical (article)

Adaptistration is an blog on the evolution of orchestra management. This post provides a brief observation on musician's unions.

Categories: Performing Arts Organizations, Leadership

Author: O'Connell, Sharon

Publication Year:

Media Type: Periodical (article)

Building Creative Assets is a direct response to the materials and proceedings from the 1998 meeting of the Americans for the Arts National Policy Board. At this meeting, leaders from the philanthrophic, entertainment, and nonprofit arts sectors…

Categories: Funding

Author: Deb, Partha; Wilhelm, Mark; Rooney, Patrick; and Brown, Melissa

Publication Year:

Media Type: Report

Giving USA annual estimates of charitable giving in the are widely used by practitioners, policy-makers, academics, and the media. In addition, each editions estimate of giving for the previous year is the first indication of generosity in that…

Categories: Fundraising

Author: Silk, Yeal Z. Mahan, Stacey. Morrison, Robert.

Publication Year:

Media Type: Report

The State Status Report provides a review of arts education access by comparing and condensing the data from the 24 existing state studies.

Categories: Evaluation, Creative Youth Development, Arts Education

Author: Bonham, Luke

Publication Year:

Media Type: Report

Case study of the Americana Project, a creative music education program in Sisters Oregon, mixing Americana music, story telling, and songwriting. A study of social capital, inter-generational connection, asset-based community development, and rural…

Categories: Volunteerism, Private Sector, Creative Workforce, Creative Economies, Arts Education

Author: Boston Consulting Group and Innitiative for a Competitive Inner City

Publication Year:

Media Type: Report

Communities with enormous buying power are going unserved. Stores with highquality merchandise and good service are scarce in their neighborhoods. Are these markets in scattered, inaccessible locations? In emerging countries plagued by political and…

Categories: Private Sector, Funding, Economic Impact, Creative Economies

Author: Scottsdale Cultural Council

Publication Year:

Media Type: Sample document

Collected together are the governing bylaws of the four committees formed to assist the Scottsdale Cultural Council.

Categories: Governance

Author: Connor, John T.

Publication Year:

Media Type: Report

Collection of eleven speeches or brochures highlighting corporate support for the arts.

Categories: Private Sector

Author: Edgers, Geoff

Publication Year:

Media Type: Periodical (article)

Corporations that give money to nonprofit institutions are not just doing a good deed, they're often making a shrewd business decision, according to a poll conducted for the Boston Foundation and released yesterday.

Categories: Private Sector, Funding

Author: Cohen, Gene D., M.D., Ph.D.

Publication Year:

Media Type: Book

Dr. Gene Cohen debunks harmful myths about aging and illuminates the biological and emotional foundations of creativity. He shows how the unique combination of age, experience, and creativity can produce exciting inner growth and infinite potential…
