National Arts Publications Database

The National Arts Publications Database is a bibliographic tool that gives access current and historical information on a multitude of topics related to arts administration and policy. The database contains over 7,000 bibliographic records—providing arts administrators, policy researchers, and advocates with an asset to help them locate information on arts policy and practice and arts administration resources and best practices. Many recent entries to the database may also include the actual publication for download as well. When possible, Americans for the Arts has included the publication for download, but in many cases the database is purely bibliographic by design.

Comprehensive Information on Arts Administration, Policy, and Practice


Published between

Author: Porter, Robert A.

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Book

This handbook offer advice on specific aspects of community arts agency programs, organizations. and structure.

Categories: Funding

Author: Coe, Linda C.

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Directory

This directory is a guide to the arts and cultural resources of the Federal Government. The book is divided into three major sections.

Categories: Funding

Author: Educational Facilities Laboratories

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Report

This is report published in 1075 by the Educational Facilities Laboratories and the National Edowment for the Arts.

Categories: Performing Arts Organizations, Accessibility

Author: National Committee for Cultural Resources

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Report

This is a research report on the economic and social importance of arts organizations and their activities in the , with recommendations for a national policy of public and private support. The National Committee for Cultural Resources was formed by…

Categories: Fundraising

Author: National Research Center of the Arts

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Report

This is a summary of the study which reports that the California Arts Industry for fiscal 1973-74, the 471 arts organizations represented in the study had operating expenses of $79,742,000; there were 22,300 paid personnel, including 3,000 full-time…

Categories: Funding

Author: Levitt, Theodore; Herzberg, Frederick; Katz, Robert L.; Brouwer, Paul J.; Rogers, Carl R.; Roethlisberger, F.J.; Mayer, David; Greenberg, Herbert M.; Drucker, Peter F.; Nolan, Richard L.; Magee, John F.; See Notes for additional authors

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Periodical (article)

An assemblage of articles on various aspects of management from the Harvard Business Review.

Categories: Organizational Planning, Leadership

Author: National Humanities Faculty

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Report

Accordingly, in proposals to the National Humanities Faculty and other educational resources, teachers express a need and desire for assistance in creating programs which permit students to benefit from the distinct qualitative meanings the arts…

Categories: Arts Education

Author: Horsman, Joan and Schafer, D. Paul

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Report

As part of the 1975 annual meeting of the Canadian Conference of the, a paper was prepared on the municipal role in artistic development. In the course of developing the paper, all capital cities and cities with populations of 100,000 and over were…

Categories: Funding

Author: Ford Foundation

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Report

As a step toward thoughtful use of past research experience to guide future study and action, three foundations - the Ford Foundation, the National Science Foundation, and the John and Mary R. Markle Foundation - co-sponsored a conference at Reston…

Categories: Community Development

Author: Bannard, Walter D.

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Book

Background paper prepared for the 46th American Assembly, of Columbia University, held at Arden House, Harriman, New York, November 1974.

Categories: Artists-Resources for