Creation and Appreciation in the Arts

Author: National Humanities Faculty

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Report


Accordingly, in proposals to the National Humanities Faculty and other educational resources, teachers express a need and desire for assistance in creating programs which permit students to benefit from the distinct qualitative meanings the arts bring to their education. Through its program, Creation and Appreciation in the Arts, the NHF intends to provide needed assistance and create a new context for the arts in general education.


Accordingly, in proposals to the National Humanities Faculty and other educational resources, teachers express a need and desire for assistance in creating programs which permit students to benefit from the distinct qualitative meanings the arts bring to their education. Through its program, Creation and Appreciation in the Arts, the NHF intends to provide needed assistance and create a new context for the arts in general education. The program will seek to achieve the following with affiliated schools or school districts:

  1. Expansion of the scope of arts activity (aural, visual, verbal, and kinesthetic) available to students in schools;
  2. Integration of arts materials and instructional techniques into existing courses in history, literature, and life sciences and development among both arts and non-arts teachers of skills, attitudes and experiences essential to a fuller integration of the arts with the education of students;
  3. Creation of thematic models for rigorous interdisciplinary units, courses, and/or programs involving arts disciplines with those of history, literature, science and/or vocational studies; and
  4. Establishment of collaborative relations within each affiliated school and with local and national arts resources in order both to enrich curriculum and to create supportive environments for aesthetic and artistic endeavor within the total activity of the schools.

To meet these objectives, teams composed of volunteer teachers each in art, history, literature, science and/or vocational studies) and one administrator will work with selected NHF members in one three-week and one two-week national institute, a national dissemination conference, a series of six three-day, on-site Faculty visits coordinated over the life of the project, and frequent two to three day visits by the Project Director, Lowry Burgess, an established artist and educator. (p. 2-3)

1. Introduction and objectives.

2. Program timetable.

3. Major program activities. 

A. Selection of project school. 
B. School teams. 
C. Project core faculty and planning sessions. 
D. Institutes: Preliminary schedule of activities of Institute I. 
E. Faculty. 
F. School visits. 
G. National dissemination conference. 
H. Local symposia.

4. Evaluation.

5. Dissemination. 

A. Local dissemination. 
B. National dissemintion. 
C. Networks and clearinghouses.

6. Budget (to be provided under separate cover).

     A1. The National Humanities Faculty.
                A. Background.
                B. The goals of NHF programs.
                C. The means employed in NHF programs.
                D. The National Humanities Faculty and arts education.
     A2. Board of trustees, National Humanities Faculty, Inc.
     A3. Representative faculty, National Humanities Faculty, Inc.
     A4. Representative school affiliates: the program for the development of humanities
           disciplines within the schools.
     B1. Selected Recommendations, Coming to our Senses. 
     B2. Criteria for making arts in education programs acceptable to National   
     C. Creation and appreciation in the arts program: Representative faculty.
     D. The Authority of Citizenship.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Arts Education


Series Title:




Pages: 193



Name: National Humanities Faculty

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