National Arts Publications Database

The National Arts Publications Database is a bibliographic tool that gives access current and historical information on a multitude of topics related to arts administration and policy. The database contains over 7,000 bibliographic records—providing arts administrators, policy researchers, and advocates with an asset to help them locate information on arts policy and practice and arts administration resources and best practices. Many recent entries to the database may also include the actual publication for download as well. When possible, Americans for the Arts has included the publication for download, but in many cases the database is purely bibliographic by design.

Comprehensive Information on Arts Administration, Policy, and Practice


Published between

Author: Kevin V. Mulcahy and C. Richard Swaim

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Book

The essays in this text explore various issues in arts policy making, examining ideology and the arts, the government as a patron of the arts, and aspects of public culture. Like wilderness areas, the environment, and in an earlier time parks and…

Categories: Community Development

Author: Manoff, Robert Karl

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Report

The main point for arts organizations to realize is that the cable business can change quickly and dramatically. For this reason, among others, the material contained herein should not be considered the final word on the subject of cable and the…

Categories: Technology and Innovation, Legal Issues

Author: Mankin, Lawrence D.

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Book

The author relates the history of government support of the arts, describing rhetorical support, symbolic support and support through specific programs such as New Deal programs. He analyzes the motives for each form of support and questions the…

Categories: Funding

Author: Burgard, Ralph

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Book

The author reviews and comments on decentralization programs in the arts.

Categories: Community Development

Author: Gibans, Nina Freedlander

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Book

The author traces the history of the community arts council movement.

Categories: Funding

Author: National Association of Schools of Music, Chamber Music Committee

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Report

The Committee has developed this report as a series of recommendations, printed in bold type, about the organization of chamber music activity in higher education. These recommendations suggest ways and means for improving the status of chamber…

Categories: Artists-Resources for

Author: Bond, Evagene H.

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Book

The case studies in this book all deal with Hispanic design in the necessary context of la comunidad. They show how Hispanic communities have drawn on their rich cultural resources to preserve historic landmarks; create works of public art that…

Categories: Cultural Diversity

Author: Jevnikar, Jana

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Conference paper/presentation

The conference took place on April 3 and 4, 1982, at Columbia University. The two days were divided into four sessions: Educational and Cultural Networks; Artists-in-Residence; Working with Different Populations; and Those Who Can....Also Teach.

Categories: Artists-Resources for

Author: Council for Policy Studies in Art Education, Art and Basic Education Committee

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Report

The Council for Policy Studies in Art Education is a group of fifty professional art educators who study, criticize, and promulgate policy bearing on the conduct and health of art education in the schools and communities of the North American…

Categories: Arts Education

Author: National Endowment for the Arts, Research Division

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Report

The Gross National Product (GNP) figures for the year 1976 through 1981 were revised this summer. Over the six year period, the proportion of total Personal Consumption Expenditures remained about the same despite small fluctuations every year.

Categories: Creative Economies