Art and Basic Education

Author: Council for Policy Studies in Art Education, Art and Basic Education Committee

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Report


The Council for Policy Studies in Art Education is a group of fifty professional art educators who study, criticize, and promulgate policy bearing on the conduct and health of art education in the schools and communities of the North American continent. Policies examined by the Council may emanate from federal, state, or local agencies; from higher education; or from professional art education associations. Although the council represents the views of the individual members and not of any particular group or organization within the field of art education, it subscribes to the belief that the scholarly examination of issues, policies, and research is vital to the quality of American education. The present publication is the result of the Council's effort to shed light on some of the issues of the Back-to-Basics movement and its consequences for art education. (p. 2).


The Council for Policy Studies in Art Education is a group of fifty professional art educators who study, criticize, and promulgate policy bearing on the conduct and health of art education in the schools and communities of the North American continent. Policies examined by the Council may emanate from federal, state, or local agencies; from higher education; or from professional art education associations. Although the council represents the views of the individual members and not of any particular group or organization within the field of art education, it subscribes to the belief that the scholarly examination of issues, policies, and research is vital to the quality of American education. The present publication is the result of the Council's effort to shed light on some of the issues of the Back-to-Basics movement and its consequences for art education. (p. 2).

Introduction by Kenneth Marantz.
Art education and the back-to-basics movement: a conceptual analysis by Mary Erickson.
Arts education and back to basics: analysis and review by Arthur D. Efland.
Art, the human career, and aesthetic education by Ralph A. Smith.
Making art essential in education by Gilbert Clark.
Members, Committee on art and basic education.
Members, Council for policy studies in art education.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Arts Education


Series Title:




Pages: 82



Name: University of Illinois, Council for Policy Studies in Art Education

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