Chamber Music: Performance and Study at Music Training Institutions

Author: National Association of Schools of Music, Chamber Music Committee

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Report


The Committee has developed this report as a series of recommendations, printed in bold type, about the organization of chamber music activity in higher education. These recommendations suggest ways and means for improving the status of chamber music study and performance at music training institutions and, by extension, the status of chamber music in the for professional musicians, amateur performers, and audiences.


The Committee has developed this report as a series of recommendations, printed in bold type, about the organization of chamber music activity in higher education. These recommendations suggest ways and means for improving the status of chamber music study and performance at music training institutions and, by extension, the status of chamber music in the for professional musicians, amateur performers, and audiences. Each recommendation is followed by statistical and explanatory information providing justification for that recommendation. Where appropriate, case studies have been included.

The recommendations have been developed to assist and encourage chamber music programs in postsecondary music training institutions. This publication is divided into two main parts: Performance of Chamber Music at Music Training Institutions and Study of Chamber Music at Music Training Institutions. Although there may be some overlapping of material between the two parts, in general the first section deals with the music training institution as a presenter and organizer of concerts, and the second section deals more directly with chamber music study in an educational setting. (p. 1)

National Association of Schools of Music [NASM] Chamber Music Committee.
Interpreting the charts.
General findings.

Part 1. The performance of chamber music at music training institutions:

Resident ensembles.
Ad-hoc faculty ensembles.
Guest artist ensembles and visiting ensembles.
Student ensembles.
Publicity for chamber music concerts at music training institutions.
Broadcast of chamber ensembles.

Part 2. The study of chamber music at music training institutions:

The chamber music component for the baccalaureate performance degree program.
The chamber music component for the Graduate performance degree program.
Student ensemble residencies and graduate residencies.
A major in chamber music.
The chamber music component for the Baccalaureate music education degree program.
The chamber music component for other music degree programs.
Chamber music for the non-major.
Summer chamber music programs and Continuing education programs in chamber music.
Chamber music in non-degree granting institutions and preparatory departments.

     A. Bibliographies of chamber music: a preliminary checklist.
     B. Complete charts of requirements in chamber music by size and type of institution
          and by areas of study at the baccalaureate and master's levels.
     C. Chamber music at the community/junior college.
     D. Recommendations for future research in chamber music.
     E. Paul Chamber Music Resident program.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Artists-Resources for


Series Title:




Pages: 49



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