National Arts Publications Database

The National Arts Publications Database is a bibliographic tool that gives access current and historical information on a multitude of topics related to arts administration and policy. The database contains over 7,000 bibliographic records—providing arts administrators, policy researchers, and advocates with an asset to help them locate information on arts policy and practice and arts administration resources and best practices. Many recent entries to the database may also include the actual publication for download as well. When possible, Americans for the Arts has included the publication for download, but in many cases the database is purely bibliographic by design.

Comprehensive Information on Arts Administration, Policy, and Practice


Published between
Cover of the Vitality Arts Resource Guide

Author: Aroha Philanthropies

Publication Year: 2017

Media Type: Directory

This resource from Aroha Philanthropies is designed to provide an overview on the field of creative aging. It provides a strong platform to find inspiration, discover current research, and locate leading organizations in the field.

Categories: Aging

Author: Joint Center for Housing Studies,

Publication Year: 2017

Media Type: Report

A decade after the onset of the Great Recession, the national housing market is finally returning to normal. With incomes rising and household growth strengthening, the housing sector is poised to become an important engine of economic growth. But…

Categories: Housing, Community Development

Author: oshua Bamberger, Rachel Bluestein, Kim Latimer-Nelligan, Richard Samson, and Doug Shoemaker

Publication Year: 2017

Media Type: Report

This report aims to bridge a knowledge gap between the affordable housing and healthcare fields that limits their ability to implement health and housing projects and partnerships. These two sectors have begun to realize how much they overlap, but…

Categories: Housing, Community Development

Front cover of "Artists & Creatives: Define Your Personal Brand in 3 Steps" featuring black and white horizontal stripes

Author: Jones, Sarah & Wenglowskyj, Andrea

Publication Year: 2017

Media Type: Toolkit

If you’ve downloaded this guide, chances are that you’re an artist or creative entrepreneur who might feel one or all of the following: †Inadequate at articulating what you do (your brand) in person, in writing, and online Overwhelmed with…

Categories: Artists-Resources for, Marketing and Communications, Visual Art

Front cover of Business Contributions to the Arts: 2017 Edition featuring an image of water splashing in multi colors.

Author: Parkinson, Alex; Kahn, Graciela; Peck, Emily, and Cohen, Randy

Publication Year: 2017

Media Type: Report

Americans for the Arts partnered with The Conference Board to conduct this survey which examines trends in business support and employee engagement for the arts. The survey draws on 125 responses from companies of all sizes that participate in…

Categories: Creative Workforce, Private Sector

Author: Yeh PH, Guan Koay C, Wang B, Morissette J, Sham E, Senseney J, Joy D, Kubli A, Yeh CH, Eskay V, Liu W, French LM, Oakes TR, Riedy G, Ollinger J.

Publication Year: 2017

Media Type: Periodical (article)

"Our findings suggest that the association and projection fibers interconnecting fronto-parieto-temporal region, for example, CCG/CAB, SLF, and UNC; and fronto-subcortical regions, for example, ATR, are particularly vulnerable to military-related…

Categories: Arts and Military

Front cover of Arts & Health 2017 issue with a photo of water with light reflecting off of it.

Author: Secker, Jenny; Heydinrych, Kirsten; Kent, Lyn; and Jo Keay

Publication Year: 2017

Media Type: Periodical (article)

"Conclusions: Previous studies have found play, inspiration and learning to be associated with well-being. It therefore seems reasonable to conclude that the creative aspects of the courses did play an important part in improving participants’ well-…

Categories: Health Wellness and Healing

Colorful infographic featuring a drawing of a person, half in a casual outfit, half in a lab coat with a clipboard

Author: Salesforce

Publication Year: 2017

Media Type: Infographic

This infographic focuses on the 8 key skills marketers must have according to Salesforce.

Categories: Marketing and Communications

Front page of Northwestern Public Art Conference Feb 2017 Agenda.

Author: Kendellen, Peggy

Publication Year: 2017

Media Type: Sample document

The agenda for the 2017 Northwestern Public Art Conference (NoWPac), as an example for other groups who are interested in creating their own regionally-focused professional public art group.

Categories: Public Art

Front cover of  Employee Engagement Workbook: Corporate Art Activations featuring a collage of blocks in various colors of blue.

Author: Thys, Elizabeth

Publication Year: 2017

Media Type: Toolkit

This workbook focuses on one of the many ways arts organizations can work with businesses: corporate art activations. This concept lives under employee engagement as culture building or creativity training as well as physical space transformation.…

Categories: Civic Dialogue and Social Change, Creative Economies, Creative Industries, Creative Workforce, Partnerships, Private Sector, Visual Art