Front cover of Business Contributions to the Arts: 2017 Edition featuring an image of water splashing in multi colors.
Business Contributions to the Arts: 2017 Edition

Author: Parkinson, Alex; Kahn, Graciela; Peck, Emily, and Cohen, Randy

Publication Year: 2017

Media Type: Report


Americans for the Arts partnered with The Conference Board to conduct this survey which examines trends in business support and employee engagement for the arts. The survey draws on 125 responses from companies of all sizes that participate in corporate philanthropy, employee engagement, volunteer programs, or sponsorships.


"Since 1969, Americans for the Arts through the Business Committee for the Arts (BCA) has been conducting the BCA National Survey of Business Support for the Arts. The survey looks at trends in support for the arts from small, midsize, and large US businesses. For the first time since the initial BCA Survey in 1969, Americans for the Arts has partnered with The Conference Board to conduct the online survey, building on previous findings to examine trends in business support and employee engagement for the arts. The survey draws on 125 responses from companies of all sizes that participate in corporate philanthropy, employee engagement, volunteer programs, or sponsorships. The survey was conducted in the fall of 2016 and asked for information based on corporate practices existing at the time of the survey compilation."

"In addition to the quantitative survey, Americans for the Arts contracted with Shugoll Research to conduct research to understand businesses’ attitudes about arts philanthropy among current arts donors. A total of 15 in-depth telephone interviews of 20 minutes each were conducted with philanthropic decision makers at businesses that donate to the arts. The interviews took place between February 9, 2017 and February 24, 2017. The decision makers were recruited from lists provided by the BCA. Quotes from these interviews are included throughout this report. Consistent with the survey findings, these quotes are reported anonymously." [About This Report, p.5]

Arts & Intersections: Economic Development

Categories: Creative Workforce, Private Sector


Series Title:




Pages: 57

Resources: Document


Name: Americans for the Arts

Website URL: