National Arts Publications Database

The National Arts Publications Database is a bibliographic tool that gives access current and historical information on a multitude of topics related to arts administration and policy. The database contains over 7,000 bibliographic records—providing arts administrators, policy researchers, and advocates with an asset to help them locate information on arts policy and practice and arts administration resources and best practices. Many recent entries to the database may also include the actual publication for download as well. When possible, Americans for the Arts has included the publication for download, but in many cases the database is purely bibliographic by design.

Comprehensive Information on Arts Administration, Policy, and Practice


Published between

Author: Research and Programming Services

Publication Year: 1976

Media Type: Report

The extensive material collected during this planning study, however, can be so helpful in understanding the decision-making processes on arts and cultural subjects in the media that this condensation of the final report has been prepared for…

Categories: Community Development

Author: Felton, Marianne Victorius

Publication Year: 1976

Media Type: Report

The field of the creative arts is generally conceded to be an economic disaster area. The objectives of this study are (1) to obtain information about the professional activities of composers, (2) to use this information to identify the major…

Categories: Creative Economies

Author: Feinstein, Peter

Publication Year: 1976

Media Type: Report

The following report was written primarily for the individual who is faced with questions or decisions involving film. Administrators in the educational system, corporate executives, foundation directors, and lawmakers have had no ready…

Categories: Artists-Resources for

Author: National Committee, Arts for the Handicapped

Publication Year: 1976

Media Type: Report

The meaning and significance of life is intimately related to the ability of each of us, regardless of his status in the society, to manifest his uniqueness. Dr. Edwin Martin, the Deputy Commissioner of the Bureau of Education for the Handicapped, U…

Categories: Accessibility

Author: Schwalbe, Douglas and Baker-Carr, Janet

Publication Year: 1976

Media Type: Report

The authors conducted a series of interviews with individuals who have various roles in the orchestra -- conductor, musician, manager, etc. on the topic of orchestra governance, management and leadership. As the emphasis on individual wealth, power…

Categories: Performing Arts Organizations

Author: Wellington, Margot

Publication Year: 1976

Media Type: Report

The author uses the example of New York City to illustrate the role of the artist in planning a city.

Categories: Community Development

Author: Hightower, John B.

Publication Year: 1976

Media Type: Report

The author reviews the history of government support for the arts in the . He pays particular attention to the support of the arts in New York State by the state government.

Categories: Funding

Author: Cwi, David

Publication Year: 1976

Media Type: Report

The conference provided arts researchers, administrators, and working artists with an opportunity to evaluate and inform the Endowment's Research agenda and to take stock of the emerging interdisciplinary field of arts research. This report contains…

Categories: Grantmaking, Federal

Author: Cwi, David and Lyall, Katharine C.

Publication Year: 1976

Media Type: Report

The impact of eight local arts and cultural institutions on the local economy in 1976 are estimated.

Categories: Economic Impact

Author: New York State Alliance for Arts in Education, Ad Hoc Committee

Publication Year: 1976

Media Type: Report

The implementation of an infusion of the arts in general education is imperative if we are to respond to the goals statement enunciated by the Board of Regents for elementary, secondary and continuing education. Implementation requires an…

Categories: Arts Education