Research in the Arts: Proceedings of a Conference on Policy Related Studies of the National Endowment for the Arts

Author: Cwi, David

Publication Year: 1976

Media Type: Report


The conference provided arts researchers, administrators, and working artists with an opportunity to evaluate and inform the Endowment's Research agenda and to take stock of the emerging interdisciplinary field of arts research. This report contains the conference proceedings.


The conference provided arts researchers, administrators, and working artists with an opportunity to evaluate and inform the Endowment's Research agenda and to take stock of the emerging interdisciplinary field of arts research. This report contains the conference proceedings. Papers are presented on 19 research projects funded by the Research Division of the Arts Endowment and one study funded by the National Science foundation. Taken as a whole, these studies comprise a major component of current policy research on American artistic and cultural institutions, audiences, artists and craftsmen. (Introduction, p. 5).


Chapters are analyzed in this database and grouped as follows:

Research on the artistic and cultural consumers.
Research on artistic and cultural institutions.
Research on the American artist and craftsman.

In addition, the proceedings include sessions which are only summarized and are not analyzed in this database:

  1. Symposium on governmental arts research in other countries.
  2. Workshop - estimating consumer demand.
  3. Workshop tutorial - improving audience studies.
  4. Dinner program:
         Research and public policy - information and politics by
         William Donald Schaefer, Mayor of the City of Baltimore. 
         Information and policy goals by Clarence D. Long, U.S. House of
         The policy makers' need for research information by Livingston L.
         Biddle, Jr., Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts.
  5. Workshop - reevaluating data series recommendations for forecasting the economic condition of the arts.
  6. Workshop tutorial - how to assess the economic impact of arts institutions on their communities.
  7. Workshop - evaluating three approaches to studying the condition and needs of cultural institutions.
  8. Workshop - the strengths and weaknesses of alternative techniques for studying the artist and craftsman.
  9. An assessment of this conference - some informal remarks by Joseph Coates, Assistant to the Director, U.S. Congress Office of Technology/Assessment.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Grantmaking, Federal


Series Title:




Pages: 100



Name: Walters Art Gallery

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