National Arts Publications Database

The National Arts Publications Database is a bibliographic tool that gives access current and historical information on a multitude of topics related to arts administration and policy. The database contains over 7,000 bibliographic records—providing arts administrators, policy researchers, and advocates with an asset to help them locate information on arts policy and practice and arts administration resources and best practices. Many recent entries to the database may also include the actual publication for download as well. When possible, Americans for the Arts has included the publication for download, but in many cases the database is purely bibliographic by design.

Comprehensive Information on Arts Administration, Policy, and Practice


Published between

Author: National Endowment for the Arts

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Report

This report lists all grants awarded by the National Endowment for the Arts during the federal fiscal year. Grant recipients, amounts awarded and projects are summarized for each grant according to NEA program. Also listed are advisory panelists and…

Categories: Funding

Author: Levy, Emanuel

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Report

This study examines the role of the Hebrew theater in the course of Israel's nation-building. It focuses on the political, ideological, and artistic functions of the Hebrew theater between 1904, when the first theater was established, and the…

Categories: International

Author: Brush, Victoria and O'Karma, Alexandra

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Book

The sponsors list is a resource for writers who want to get in touch with organizations around the country that hire poets and fiction writers for readings and other writing-related programs. It is also used by sponsors to save expenses by…

Categories: Artists-Resources for

Author: Reynolds, Nancy

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Book

The Dance Catalog is designed to help both laymen and specialists alike to find their way around this wonderful new world of dance. Resources are now so numerous and varied that no one can keep up with all of them. A professional in one area may…

Categories: Artists-Resources for

Author: Midmarch Associates

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Book

In the past decade the women's art movement came of age. In all parts of the country, in small numbers and large, that small cadre of women dedicated to the arts, whether visual or performing, organized into groups - to gain strength, to accomplish…

Categories: Artists-Resources for

Author: Crist, Christine Myers

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Book

Categories: Arts Education

Author: Kates, Mary K.

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Directory

This is Volume 2 of the report, Developing Library and Information Services for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Volume I is subtitled Study Report and Recommendations. This volume, composed of a series of appendices, is subtitled Directory…

Categories: Artists-Resources for

Author: Yale Drama Alumni Association

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Report

Categories: Artists-Resources for

Author: Haller, Robert

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Report

This is a report on the conference held at Lake Minnewaska, New York, April 25-27, 1979 concerning condition of media arts centers in the United States. Also known as the Minnewaska Conference, it was hosted by the Foundation for Independent Video…

Categories: Artists-Resources for

Author: Talafuse, Marianne

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Report

Categories: Arts Education