The Dance Catalog

Author: Reynolds, Nancy

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Book


The Dance Catalog is designed to help both laymen and specialists alike to find their way around this wonderful new world of dance. Resources are now so numerous and varied that no one can keep up with all of them. A professional in one area may know nothing about another. And the neophyte might like an inkling of the vast amount of activity in the field. Thus, this introductory Yellow Pages to Dance USA, 1979.


The Dance Catalog is designed to help both laymen and specialists alike to find their way around this wonderful new world of dance. Resources are now so numerous and varied that no one can keep up with all of them. A professional in one area may know nothing about another. And the neophyte might like an inkling of the vast amount of activity in the field. Thus, this introductory Yellow Pages to Dance USA, 1979.

The book can be used as a tool kit, manual, reference, and career guide: It is intended for the spectator, the participant, the student, the trainee; it covers dance as an avocation and as a profession; dance for work and dance for fun; dance all over the country.

Background as well as practical information is provided. Each topic is explained and described; this is followed by a listing of names and addresses that will answer your questions as to where, when, and how.

Organizations serving each area of activity are listed under For more information; books are mainly restricted to current English-language titles, and, wherever possible, paperbacks are given. Sometimes material is repeated from chapter to chapter, but generally cross references are made to relevant information elsewhere in the book. (p. 13)

Photo credits.

1. For the audience: dance in performance.
    History of theatrical dancing in the west by Nancy Reynolds.
    Performing today: ballet troupes by Barbara Newman.
    Modern dance, contemporary dance and avant-garde companies by
    Robert J. Pierce.
    Mimes by Barbara Newman.
    Ethnic dance companies.
    Historical dance authorities and companies.

2. Dance and you: a guide to classes.
    Ballet by Henley Haslam.
    Modern dance by Dawn Lille Horwitz.
    Ethnic dance by Matteo.
    Jazz dance by Billie Mahoney.
    Tap dance by Billie Mahoney.
    Gymnastics, martial arts, fencing, yoga, exercise, mime, folk dance, ballroom
    dancing, by Dawn Lille Horwitz.
    Body correctives by Kayla Kazahn Zalk.

3. Dance and the liberal arts: dance education in colleges, universities, conservatories
    by Henley Haslam.

4. New and alternate careers in dance.
    Recording the dance by Linda Grandey and Nancy Reynolds.
    Dance therapy by Kayla Kazahn Zalk.
    Production: space, props, and scenery, lighting, audio, costumes, makeup, running
    the show, by Mary Pat Robertson.
    Dance administration, producing, publicity by Ellen Jacobs.
    Dance history, criticism, libraries and archives by Jill Silverman.

5. Funding: government and private support for dance by Ellen Jacobs. 


Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Artists-Resources for


Series Title:



SBN/ISSN: 0-517-53642-0; 0-517-53643-9 pbk.

Pages: 256



Name: Harmony Books

Website URL: