Political Ideology, Art, and Social Structure: A Comparative Study of Theaters in Israel

Author: Levy, Emanuel

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Report


This study examines the role of the Hebrew theater in the course of Israel's nation-building. It focuses on the political, ideological, and artistic functions of the Hebrew theater between 1904, when the first theater was established, and the present. The study shows that in the pre-state era (until 1948), all of the Hebrew theaters were committed to an explicit political ideology which stressed the presentation of Jewish national plays. However, after the establishment of the State of Israel, the theaters were transformed from ideologically and politically oriented groups into modern art theaters presenting for the most part non-Jewish (Universal) plays. This transformation, which took the form of secularization of their ideologies, repertories, styles, and functions, is explained in terms of the demographic and political changes that took place in the social structure of Israeli society at large.


This study examines the role of the Hebrew theater in the course of Israel's nation-building. It focuses on the political, ideological, and artistic functions of the Hebrew theater between 1904, when the first theater was established, and the present. The study shows that in the pre-state era (until 1948), all of the Hebrew theaters were committed to an explicit political ideology which stressed the presentation of Jewish national plays. However, after the establishment of the State of Israel, the theaters were transformed from ideologically and politically oriented groups into modern art theaters presenting for the most part non-Jewish (Universal) plays. This transformation, which took the form of secularization of their ideologies, repertories, styles, and functions, is explained in terms of the demographic and political changes that took place in the social structure of Israeli society at large. (Abstract to the paper)

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: International


Series Title:




Pages: 31




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