National Arts Publications Database

The National Arts Publications Database is a bibliographic tool that gives access current and historical information on a multitude of topics related to arts administration and policy. The database contains over 7,000 bibliographic records—providing arts administrators, policy researchers, and advocates with an asset to help them locate information on arts policy and practice and arts administration resources and best practices. Many recent entries to the database may also include the actual publication for download as well. When possible, Americans for the Arts has included the publication for download, but in many cases the database is purely bibliographic by design.

Comprehensive Information on Arts Administration, Policy, and Practice


Published between

Author: Sellner, Judith Broder

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Book

Paper presented at Conference on the Economic Impact of the Arts, sponsored by Cornell University, Graduate School of Business and Public Administration, held in Ithaca, New York, May 27-28, 1981.

Categories: Creative Economies

Author: Peck, Robert A.

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Book

Paper presented at Conference on the Economic Impact of the Arts, sponsored by Cornell University, Graduate School of Business and Public Administration, held in Ithaca, New York, May 27-28, 1981.

Categories: Cultural Facilities

Author: Kyros, Peter N. Jr.

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Book

Paper presented at Conference on the Economic Impact of the Arts, sponsored by Cornell University, Graduate School of Business and Public Administration, held in Ithaca, New York, May 27-28, 1981.

Categories: Economic Impact

Author: McNulty, Robert H.

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Book

Paper presented at Conference on the Economic Impact of the Arts, sponsored by Cornell University, Graduate School of Business and Public Administration, held in Ithaca, New York, May 27-28, 1981.

Categories: Participation, Community Development

Author: Urice, John, K. and Hofferbert, Richard I.

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Report

During June-December 1981, Professor Richard Hofferbert and John Urice of the Center for Social Analysis of the State University of New York at Binghamton analyzed extensive data regarding National Endowment for the Arts grants and state legislative…

Categories: Legislation, Funding, Federal

Author: Wolf Trap Foundation

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Report

During September, 1981, the Wolf Trap Foundation received a grant from the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Human Development Services, U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, for a Performing Arts Training and Child Development Program…

Categories: Arts Education

Author: Ryder, Georgia

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Report

During the consciousness-raising activities of the 1960s, this writer shared with many academic colleagues the wry observation that music which had permeated and in identifiable ways transformed the vernacular culture of America throughout much of…

Categories: Community Development

Author: Illinois State Board of Education and Illinois Alliance for Arts Education

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Report

In 1978, the Illinois State Board of Education adopted a five-year plan for the Arts in General Education. A statement was included which said it would be the policy of the Board to advocate for Illinois schools an Arts in General Education program…

Categories: Arts Education

Author: Palmer, John L. and Sawhill, Isabel V.

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Book

In 1982, The Urban Institute began a three year project to examine the shifts in economic and social policies occurring under the Reagan administration. This book is the first product of that effort. When President Reagan assumed office in January…

Categories: Legislation, Funding, Federal

Author: North, Jane

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Report

Economic impact studies measure the results on the wider economy of money moving into, and out of, an organization(s). The impact is the generation of additional funds, or jobs, resulting from this increase in funds to the organization(s), or…

Categories: Economic Impact