State Legislative Funding of, and National Endowment for the Arts Grants to State Arts Agencies: An Assessment of Relative Impact, Interrelationships, and Effects of and Upon Other Variables

Author: Urice, John, K. and Hofferbert, Richard I.

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Report


During June-December 1981, Professor Richard Hofferbert and John Urice of the Center for Social Analysis of the State University of New York at Binghamton analyzed extensive data regarding National Endowment for the Arts grants and state legislative appropriations to state arts agencies for fiscal years 1976-1979 (in some cases, 1980). Endowment grants included both mandated block grants and discretionary awards from all program and disciplinary areas. The research sought to answer key questions regarding how and why state arts agencies received funds, and what relationships existed, if any, between Endowment grants and legislative appropriations.


During June-December 1981, Professor Richard Hofferbert and John Urice of the Center for Social Analysis of the State University of New York at Binghamton analyzed extensive data regarding National Endowment for the Arts grants and state legislative appropriations to state arts agencies for fiscal years 1976-1979 (in some cases, 1980). Endowment grants included both mandated block grants and discretionary awards from all program and disciplinary areas. The research sought to answer key questions regarding how and why state arts agencies received funds, and what relationships existed, if any, between Endowment grants and legislative appropriations. Additional factors such as the rate of executive director turnover, age of the agency, and many socio-economic, political, and demographic variables were considered. Path analysis was the primary research methodology. (p. ii)

Important notes.
The relationship between the state art agencies and the National Endowment for the Arts.
Background to this research project.
Variables explained: Legislative professionalism. 
State expenditures. 
Socio-economic structural variables.
Factor structures of industrialization and integration in the , 1970 (Chart).
Art education factor score.
Path analysis: Path model and order of variables (Chart).

Key findings:

  • What factors or variables most influence a legislature to change the appropriation for the state arts agency?
  • Do changes in the total amount of grants to the state arts agencies from the National Endowment for the Arts have an effect on whether a state legislature will fund the arts, or change the amount and/or rate of funding?
  • Do changes in the amount of legislative appropriations to the state arts agencies have an effect on (either block or discretionary) grants to the agency from the National Endowment?
  • What are the characteristics of the states that are most likely to be affected or unaffected by changes in Endowment block or other grants?
  • What other factors were studied regarding state legislative appropriations and National Endowment for the Arts grants to the state arts agencies?
  • What effect does turnover in the position of executive director (or equivalent) have on a state arts agency's ability to (1) attract discretionary grants from the National Endowment for the Arts and (2) increase appropriations from the state legislature?

Summary of Major Findings.
Regarding further research.
The state arts agencies.
Constituency building regarding data collection and maintenance.
     A. Total per capita Endowment money by states (1976-80).
     B. Distribution: dollar amount states have received from NEA (1976-80).
     C. Rank order: Total per capita Endowment money 1976-80 compared with total
          Endowment money 1976-80.
     D. Results of Path analysis with per capita state appropriations to SAA as
         dependent variables.
     E. Results of Path analysis with per capita NEA grants to state arts agencies as
         dependent variables.
     F. Users manual for the data set.
     G. Copy of proposal to National Endowment for the Arts.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Legislation, Funding, Federal


Series Title:




Pages: 63




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