National Arts Publications Database

The National Arts Publications Database is a bibliographic tool that gives access current and historical information on a multitude of topics related to arts administration and policy. The database contains over 7,000 bibliographic records—providing arts administrators, policy researchers, and advocates with an asset to help them locate information on arts policy and practice and arts administration resources and best practices. Many recent entries to the database may also include the actual publication for download as well. When possible, Americans for the Arts has included the publication for download, but in many cases the database is purely bibliographic by design.

Comprehensive Information on Arts Administration, Policy, and Practice


Published between

Author: Ketch, Robert A.; Rubin, Robert T.; Baker, Matthew R.; Sones, Alexander C.; and Ames, Donna

Publication Year: 2015

Media Type: Periodical (article)

"Preliminary evidence from self-report measures indicates positive effects on mood, self-esteem, socialization and community participation among the veteran participants and recognition among staff that the course aids the veterans’ recovery process…

Categories: Arts and Military

Author: Lord, Clay

Publication Year: 2015

Media Type: Infographic

Created from data in the Local Arts Agencies Salaries 2013 report, this infographic provides an overview of salaries in local arts agencies by gender. The Local Arts Agencies Salaries 2013 research report benchmarks the vast and varied compensation…

Categories: Local Arts Agencies, Creative Workforce

Author: Atairu, Minne and Steinhardt, Eva, editors

Publication Year: 2015

Media Type: Report

Following the first ever National Summit for Creative Youth Development, which ran from the 27th to the 29th of March 2014, Americans for the Arts hosted a Blog Salon centered on the emerging field of Creative Youth Development. The content of this…

Categories: Creative Youth Development, Community Development, Civic Dialogue and Social Change, Arts Education, Advocacy

Author: Americans for the Arts

Publication Year: 2015

Media Type: Report

Americans for the Arts presents it's 2014 Annual Report as a micro-site found here:

Categories: Organizational Planning

Author: U.S. Department of Education

Publication Year: 2015

Media Type: Report

Statistics in Brief publications present descriptive data in tabular formats to provide useful information to a broad audience, including members of the general public. They address topical issues and questions. They do not investigate more complex…

Categories: Arts Education

Author: Arts Midwest and Metropolitan Group

Publication Year: 2015

Media Type: Report

Arts Midwest and Metropolitan Group recently launched Creating Connection, a report that details our findings from a national research project conducted in Fall 2014 around public values, behaviors, and attitudes as they relate to arts and culture.…

Categories: Participation, Community Development, Civic Dialogue and Social Change

Author: Dr. Osborne, T.L.

Publication Year: 2015

Media Type: Book

"Why Am I Writing This Book? There are many aspects of Hip Hop culture that exceeds beyond just the beat, a dance, or a catchy hook. The Hip Hop Lectures (Volume 1) & The Hip Hop Lectures (Volume 2) are books that were created to make a…

Categories: Intellectual Property, Cultural Planning, Cultural Diversity, Creative Workforce, Creative Industries, Creative Economies, Civic Dialogue and Social Change, Censorship, Arts Education, Artists-Resources for

Author: DeShazo, Jessica and Smith Zachary, Editors

Publication Year: 2015

Media Type: Book

"DeShazo & Smith carefully selected eight U.S. cities to demonstrate the breadth and innovation in municipal public art programs today, from vegetable gardens to performance spaces and temporary site-specific installations. But the real value in…

Categories: Public Art, Cultural Planning, Community Development

Author: NAMM Foundation and Grunwald Associates LLC

Publication Year: 2015

Media Type: Report

This report examines the perceptions of K-12 teachers of all subjects and of parents of school-age children about music education in schools. 

Categories: Arts Education

Author: Zabel, Laura

Publication Year: 2015

Media Type:

Excerpted from Arts & America: Arts, Culture, and the Future of America’s Communities. This essay looks at America's changing communities, how they interact with one another, the role of the arts in that change over the next 10 to 15 years. The…

Categories: Local Arts Agencies, Heritage & Preservation, Community Development