A Week in Creative Youth Development

Author: Atairu, Minne and Steinhardt, Eva, editors

Publication Year: 2015

Media Type: Report


Following the first ever National Summit for Creative Youth Development, which ran from the 27th to the 29th of March 2014, Americans for the Arts hosted a Blog Salon centered on the emerging field of Creative Youth Development. The content of this Green Paper is from the September 2014 Creative Youth Development Blog Salon.


Following the first ever National Summit for Creative Youth Development, which ran from the 27th to the 29th of March 2014, Americans for the Arts hosted a Blog Salon centered on the emerging field of Creative Youth Development. Creative Youth Development programs are community based and out - of - school programs that utilize the arts and humanities to promote positive growth of the whole individual. The impact of these programs lead to emotional stability, creative inquiry and expression, personal and social growth, and the emergence of leadership qualities, encouraging positive change in youth.

The Blog Salon was hosted throughout the week starting September 15th 2014 and brought together the insights of 16 field leaders. While some of these leaders head suc cessful Creative Youth Development programs of their own, others are experts in how to elevate educational trends to the national spotlight. Topics ranged from the history of the movement to how an organization can secure funding. The content of this Green Paper is from the September 2014 Creative Youth Development Blog Salon, and twitter conversation. Despite the official end to the Blog Salon, the articles remain relevant and valuable to those interested or active in the field of Creative Youth Developmen t. The Tweets throughout this document are from the Twitter Conversation that was held alongside the Blog Salon. The purpose of this was to diversify and expand the subjects discussed in the articles. The tweets represent the broader conversation that foll owed the March 2014 Summit; many of those whose tweets have been included in this document were attendees of the event. Furthermore the tweets that have been included here have been chosen for how they complement the articles, since that is the main focus of this paper. [Forward, p.]

The following people contributed to the blog salon: Montagomery, Denise. Holmgran, Eric. Herman, Jonathan. Abssy, Jennifer Carrol. Hinosoja, John. Reese, Margie. Alphons, Adarsh. Ball, Allison. Dwyer, Maureen. Bererra, Marie. Cunningha,. Sarah. Ikemire, Heather. Liu, Terry. Steinhardt, and Eva. Atairu, Minne.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Creative Youth Development, Community Development, Civic Dialogue and Social Change, Arts Education, Advocacy


Series Title:




Pages: 38

Resources: Document


Name: Americans for the Arts

Website URL: