National Arts Publications Database

The National Arts Publications Database is a bibliographic tool that gives access current and historical information on a multitude of topics related to arts administration and policy. The database contains over 7,000 bibliographic records—providing arts administrators, policy researchers, and advocates with an asset to help them locate information on arts policy and practice and arts administration resources and best practices. Many recent entries to the database may also include the actual publication for download as well. When possible, Americans for the Arts has included the publication for download, but in many cases the database is purely bibliographic by design.

Comprehensive Information on Arts Administration, Policy, and Practice


Published between

Author: U.S. Senate, Committee on Human Resources

Publication Year: 1977

Media Type: Report

Hearings on S. 2645, a bill to establish an art bank; held in Washington, D.C.; August 22 and 23, 1978. Bill calls for establishment of an art bank within the National Endowment for the Arts to assist and encourage artistic creation through the…

Categories: Legislation, Funding

Author: DiMaggio, Paul J. and Useem, Michael

Publication Year: 1977

Media Type: Report

The authors explore the causes and future of the tension between the arts as private goods dominated by the elite and public goods to be used by all. They trace the ways in which elites have used the arts to solidify their own social position. After…

Categories: Funding

Author: Cultural Assistance Center

Publication Year: 1977

Media Type: Report

The Cultural Assistance Center was formed in New York City in 1976. Its aim is to help the city's cultural institutions, both by increasing public understanding of these institutions and their problems and by providing institutions with specific…

Categories: Creative Economies

Author: Bostick, William A.

Publication Year: 1977

Media Type: Report

The Detroit Institute of Arts has experienced in the ninety-two years of its existence virtually every type of funding and corporate organization possible for an American art museum. For the last thirty years, as secretary and administrator of this…

Categories: Legal Issues

Author: Estes, David and Stock, Robert

Publication Year: 1977

Media Type: Report

The authors assess the adequacy of the symphony's elite board of directors, who provide support for unmet operating expenses. They argue that for a board to function it must be able to transform the symphony into a community organization or resource…

Categories: Performing Arts Organizations, Governance

Author: California Arts Council

Publication Year: 1977

Media Type: Report

The California Arts Council requested arts organizations in California to provide information on the anticipated effects of Proposition 13 on their programs and budgets. This report summarizes those responses. The report shows, by county, last year'…

Categories: Funding

Author: McCalthy/Schilit Associates

Publication Year: 1977

Media Type: Report

The goal of the AGE schools is to demonstrate the best educational practices by showing how the arts can be used as a galvanizing factor for achieving school change. Its demonstration schools (originally 12, then 16) serve as a reference point for…

Categories: Arts Education

Author: Felton, Marianne Victorius

Publication Year: 1977

Media Type: Report

The object of this study is to focus attention on the condition of one kind of creative artist in twentieth century America: the composer of serious music. It is hoped that the findings of this study will have relevance for other fields of creative…

Categories: Professional Development, Artists-Resources for

Author: Stephens, Suzanne

Publication Year: 1977

Media Type: Report

The New York State Cultural Resources Act (SCRA) provides a possible solution to the financial woes of the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) in New York City by allowing the construction of a forty-three story condominium and apartment tower on top of a…

Categories: Legislation, Financial Management

Author: Ellis, Diane C.

Publication Year: 1977

Media Type: Report

The tabulation and analysis of the data for the study was performed for the Research Division by Data Use and Access Laboratories. The work was done by Diane Ellis C., under the general direction of James C. Beresford, President of Data Use and…

Categories: Artists-Resources for