Growth in New York City Arts and Culture: A Report on the Financial Condition of the City's Nonprofit Cultural Organizations

Author: Cultural Assistance Center

Publication Year: 1977

Media Type: Report


The Cultural Assistance Center was formed in New York City in 1976. Its aim is to help the city's cultural institutions, both by increasing public understanding of these institutions and their problems and by providing institutions with specific services.


The Cultural Assistance Center was formed in New York City in 1976. Its aim is to help the city's cultural institutions, both by increasing public understanding of these institutions and their problems and by providing institutions with specific services. As an aid to public understanding, the Center has done some formal reporting - especially on the extent of the institutions' services outside New York. The Center believes that timely publication of fresh information about the functioning of these cultural enterprises will help everyone to understand how and why they are important, and what might be done to strengthen them.

This report is published in that spirit. The information it contains was collected by the National Research Center of the Arts as part of a larger survey of nonprofit cultural organizations for the New York State Council on the Arts. At the request of the Cultural Assistance Center the data relating to New York City have been broken out of this larger study. The data are presented here as they were received, but with some analysis and in an order of our own. It is our hope that the report will aid discussions at all levels as to how our cultural institutions are to be financed and by whom. The Center feels that the answers to these questions are increasingly important to all Americans.

1. A brief background and summary.
2. How extensive is the nonprofit arts and cultural sector in New York City, and
    how great is the public's demand for cultural services?
3. Where does the money come from, where does it go, and what are the trends?
4. How serious is the shortage of funds and what are its effects?
5. What are seen as the causes of the fund shortage?
6. What does it all mean, and where do things seem to be going?

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Creative Economies


Series Title:




Pages: 85



Name: Cultural Assistance Center

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