National Arts Publications Database

The National Arts Publications Database is a bibliographic tool that gives access current and historical information on a multitude of topics related to arts administration and policy. The database contains over 7,000 bibliographic records—providing arts administrators, policy researchers, and advocates with an asset to help them locate information on arts policy and practice and arts administration resources and best practices. Many recent entries to the database may also include the actual publication for download as well. When possible, Americans for the Arts has included the publication for download, but in many cases the database is purely bibliographic by design.

Comprehensive Information on Arts Administration, Policy, and Practice


Published between

Author: White, Virginia P.

Publication Year: 1979

Media Type: Book

Grants for the Arts gives the specifics of obtaining support for artistic activities from both the public and private sectors. Written by a well known and widely experienced expert in the field of grants administration, this book describes in a…

Categories: Private Sector

Author: Rose-Ackerman, Susan

Publication Year: 1979

Media Type: Report

Charities that provide services to needy people are frequently discouraged from competing with one another. Recent reform efforts stress coordination, not competition. This paper, argues, however, that the selective use of market incentives will…

Categories: Fundraising, Funding

Author: National Endowment for the Arts, Research Division

Publication Year: 1979

Media Type: Book

Certain fundamental characteristics of a population can be studied to assess the occupational conditions of a particular group. Differences in social and economic status in a community, for example, can frequently be traced to a preponderance of…

Categories: Artists-Resources for

Author: Vision,The Center for Enviromental Design and Education

Publication Year: 1979

Media Type: Report

Design competitions can ... foster an exceptional spirit which inspires participants to surpass their own limits and those of their peers. As with athletic competitions, design competitions enable emerging, less experienced talent to compete with…

Categories: Public Art

Author: Shagan, Rena

Publication Year: 1979

Media Type: Book

Dance companies exist to dance. Few if any companies conduct all their performances, lecture demonstrations and other activities at a single home base. Thus it is necessary for companies to be booked: to find other place to work. This search for…

Categories: Organizational Planning

Author: McDonagh, Donald

Publication Year: 1979

Media Type: Report

Current efforts by The City at 42nd Street and the Office of Midtown Planning and Development have focused attention on the two facing blocks on Forty-second street between Seventh and Eighth Avenues as a possible site for a dance center. These two…

Categories: Cultural Facilities

Author: Research Associates

Publication Year: 1979

Media Type: Directory

During 1979, arts organizations employed 4,206 with a payroll of $36,422,895 and spent $46,052.784 on goods and services. The arts is a general term which groups performing arts (music, dance, theatre and opera), visual arts (painting, sculpture,…

Categories: Economic Impact

Author: U.S. House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Human Services

Publication Year: 1979

Media Type: Report

Hearings held in Washington, DC; February 7, 1980; to examine the topic of arts and the older American, and more specifically, to examine the relationship between the National Endowment for the Arts and the older American community, and to engage in…

Categories: Legislation

Author: Moore, Lou and Nancy Kassak

Publication Year: 1979

Media Type: Book

The authors present information from their survey of 259 respondents and from the National Computer Conference for the Performing Arts held in April 1980 and sponsored by the Theatre Communications Group on the present and future uses of computers…

Categories: Technology and Innovation

Author: Langeard, Eric and Eiglier, Pierre

Publication Year: 1979

Media Type: Book

The authors discuss the interactive relationship of audience and performance. They analyze ways in which such interaction is necessary to encourage art consumer's participation in organizational membership. The authors regard this interaction in…

Categories: Participation