A Blueprint for Booking and Tour Management

Author: Shagan, Rena

Publication Year: 1979

Media Type: Book


Dance companies exist to dance. Few if any companies conduct all their performances, lecture demonstrations and other activities at a single home base. Thus it is necessary for companies to be booked: to find other place to work. This search for bookings, and the successful administration of a booking which has been located, constitutes the subject matter of this book. (Introduction). While designed primarily for dance companies, information on booking procedures and techniques is generally useful to any performing arts company.


Dance companies exist to dance. Few if any companies conduct all their performances, lecture demonstrations and other activities at a single home base. Thus it is necessary for companies to be booked: to find other place to work. This search for bookings, and the successful administration of a booking which has been located, constitutes the subject matter of this book. (Introduction). While designed primarily for dance companies, information on booking procedures and techniques is generally useful to any performing arts company.



Chapter 1. Ascertaining touring goals. 
                Appendix 1-1. Arts organization planning process. 
                Appendix 1-2. Scheduling calendar. 
                Appendix 1-3. Pros and cons of using a professional booking agent.

Chapter 2. Preparing a budget for touring. 
                Appendix 2-1. Tour budget model. 
                Appendix 2-2. Sample chart of accounts.

Chapter 3. Preparing a booking brochure.

Chapter 4. The nitty gritty of booking. 
                Appendix 4-1. Sample booking calendar. 
                Appendix 4-2. Sample sponsor index card. 
                Appendix 4-3. Sponsor information list.

Chapter 5. Booking meetings. 
                Appendix 5-1. Checklist for a booking convention.

Chapter 6. Turning a booking into a tour.

Chapter 7. Contracts. 
                Appendix 7-1. Sample contract #1. 
                Appendix 7-2. Sample contract #2 and tech rider. 
                Appendix 7-3. Sample contract #3.

Chapter 8. Administering a booking - Follow through. 
                Appendix 8-1. Sample residency/performance checklist. 
                Appendix 8-2. Sample technical questionnaire. 
                Appendix 8-3. Sample calendar for residency/Performance
                Appendix 8-4. Sponsor information request form. 
                Appendix 8-5. Promotional and publicity materials request form. 
                Appendix 8-6. Sample letter accompanying light plot and setting technical
                Appendix 8-7. Sample letter confirming activities and schedule.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Organizational Planning


Series Title:




Pages: 98



Name: Association of American Dance Companies

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