Community Cohesion, Civic Dialog, and Diversity

Community based statistics


From 2000-2010, more than 75% of diverse, low-income, and highly disadvantaged neighborhoods with new arts organizations saw reductions in income disparity.

Arts participation crosses barriers of social class and ethnicity. A Philadelphia study showed that 80% of participants traveled to another neighborhood to take part in arts activities.

Participatory arts projects celebrate local culture and heritage, making marginalized groups more visible and promoting positive community connections. In the UK, 40% of participants felt more positive about where they lived after participating in an arts activity.

The opinions of frequent television-viewers of women and other oppressed groups become more tolerant as the number of characters from such groups increase in each television season.

Research into how different formations of people in associations work reveals that cultural groups scored highest on trust and second-highest on optimism and tolerance.

Arts participation has a positive effect on social cohesion by bringing generations together, encouraging partnerships and intercultural understanding, reducing fear of crime, and fostering organizational skills. People report feeling more in control of their lives and more activated as citizens.

Florida, R. (2016, February 11). The Connection Between the Arts and Neighborhood Diversity [Electronic version]. CityLab. Retrieved 28 January 2018 at…

Stern et al., 2001.

Stern et al., 2001.

Jacobs, T. (2015, September 23). Can Television Teach Tolerance? [Electronic version]. Pacific Standard. Retrieved 28 January 2018 from

Stolle, D. and Rochon, T. (1998) “Are all associations alike? Member diversity, associational type and the creation of social capital”, American Behavioral Scientist 42(1), 47–65. Retrieved 16 May 2023 from

Jeannotte, S. "Singing Alone? The Contribution of Cultural Capital to Social Cohesion and Sustainable Communities." The International Journal of Cultural Policy, 9(1) 35-49. Retrieved 16 May 2023 from…


Arts & Intra-Community Strength

Heidelberg, Brea M. Heidelberg, Brea M.
Publication Year: 2015

Excerpted from "Arts & America: Arts, Culture, and the Future of America’s Communities". This essay explores the changing definition of "community" and the role the arts could play to have a positive impact on that change over the next 10 to 15

Creating Change through Arts, Culture, and Equitable Development: A Policy and Practice Primer

Kalima Rose, Milly Hawk Daniel, and Jeremy Liu Kalima Rose, Milly Hawk Daniel, and Jeremy Liu
Publication Year: 2017

The community-centered arts and culture movement—made up of social justice artists, arts and culture agencies focused on racial equity, and cultural centers that serve communities of color and low-income communities— leads in securing cultural assets

A View from the Data: How Diverse, Equitable, Inclusive, and Accessible are Arts Organizations?

Sunil Iyengar Sunil Iyengar
Publication Year: 2021

Soon after COVID-19 broke, a premium was placed on certain types of arts data—what losses the sector would sustain, how quickly it would recover, and how visitor/audience perceptions and expectations were likely to shift in the interval. Various



artEquity offers training and consulting services to individuals and organizations on creating and sustaining a culture of equity and inclusion through the arts and culture. Training topics address structural and systemic issues of identity, power-sharing language and communication, team building, and strategies to initiate and normalize equity-based approaches in organizational and community culture.

The City of San Francisco Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD)

San Francisco, California

Serves the community through economic development and work placement efforts.

The Arts Impact Explorer was made possible thanks to the generous support of the Mellon Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts. Additional support provided by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation.

This fact sheet was developed as part
of the Arts + Social Impact Explorer