National Arts Publications Database

The National Arts Publications Database is a bibliographic tool that gives access current and historical information on a multitude of topics related to arts administration and policy. The database contains over 7,000 bibliographic records—providing arts administrators, policy researchers, and advocates with an asset to help them locate information on arts policy and practice and arts administration resources and best practices. Many recent entries to the database may also include the actual publication for download as well. When possible, Americans for the Arts has included the publication for download, but in many cases the database is purely bibliographic by design.

Comprehensive Information on Arts Administration, Policy, and Practice


Published between

Author: Kline, Sarah

Publication Year:

Media Type: Report

This analysis offers recommendations to help decision-makers in the city and region make the corridor safer for everyone, improve the economic prospects (and equity) of the area, and provide new opportunities for adding housing and jobs — all while…

Categories: Transportation & Infrastructure, Housing, Community Development, Civic Dialogue and Social Change, Access and Equity

Author: Briggs, Micheal and Cleghon, Jonathan

Publication Year:

Media Type: Conference paper/presentation

Conexión Américas has worked in partnership with the Nashville Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), a leader in building healthy communities — notably with new policies in 2010 that prioritized transportation projects with walking and…

Categories: Transportation & Infrastructure, Participation, Community Development

Author: Conexion

Publication Year:

Media Type: Pamphlet

Conexión Américas has worked in partnership with the Nashville Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), a leader in building healthy communities — notably with new policies in 2010 that prioritized transportation projects with walking and…

Categories: Transportation & Infrastructure, Community Development, Civic Dialogue and Social Change, Access and Equity

Author: Urban Institute

Publication Year:

Media Type: Report

In 2010, an ambitious model for social change emerged in Chicago that aimed to connect detained youth and those at risk for incarceration (“at-risk youth”1) to rigorous and engaging arts instruction, infused with social and emotional learning goals…

Categories: Prisons and Rehabilitation, Creative Youth Development

Author: Peter Wagner and Wendy Sawyer

Publication Year:

Media Type: Report

This report offers some much needed clarity by piecing together this country’s disparate systems of confinement. The American criminal justice system holds almost 2.3 million people in 1,719 state prisons, 102 federal prisons, 1,852 juvenile…

Categories: Prisons and Rehabilitation

Author: Aleks Kajstura

Publication Year:

Media Type: Report

This report provides a first-of-its-kind detailed view of the 219,000 women incarcerated in the United States, and how they fit into the even larger picture of correctional control. [p.2]

Categories: Prisons and Rehabilitation

Author: Robert Wuthnow

Publication Year:

Media Type: Book

"All in Sync mounts a refreshingly thoughtful challenge to the conventional wisdom that contemporary art and religion are mutually hostile spheres. In this balanced and accessible work of scholarship, Professor Wuthnow shows why he is one of the…

Categories: Visual Art, Religion and Spiritual Well-Being

Author: World Travel & Tourism Council

Publication Year:

Media Type: Report

Countries with a more open and sustainable tourism sector tend to be more peaceful. This research from the World Travel & Tourism Council looks for the first time at the empirical links between tourism and peace.

Categories: Tourism, International, Access and Equity

Author: McCormick, Rosemary

Publication Year:

Media Type: Report

The primary objective of MSA’s travel and tourism white paper series is to provide education and resources to increase visitation to museums and increase business at museum stores.

Categories: Tourism, International, Economic Impact

Author: World Travel & Tourism Council

Publication Year:

Media Type: Report

This report from the World Travel & Tourism Council looks at the impact of envirnonmental and sustainability issues on the future of global tourism.

Categories: Tourism, International, Environment and Sustainability