National Arts Publications Database

The National Arts Publications Database is a bibliographic tool that gives access current and historical information on a multitude of topics related to arts administration and policy. The database contains over 7,000 bibliographic records—providing arts administrators, policy researchers, and advocates with an asset to help them locate information on arts policy and practice and arts administration resources and best practices. Many recent entries to the database may also include the actual publication for download as well. When possible, Americans for the Arts has included the publication for download, but in many cases the database is purely bibliographic by design.

Comprehensive Information on Arts Administration, Policy, and Practice


Published between

Author: Laura Smith and Lauren Stevenson

Publication Year:

Media Type: Report

A report that emphasizes youth centered and directed art activities and the contribution they have to building positive learning communities.

Categories: Arts Education

Author: Arizona Commission on the Arts

Publication Year:

Media Type: Sample document

A Resource guide for establishing and developing a local arts agency published by the Arizona Commission on the Arts.

Categories: Local Arts Agencies, Cultural Planning

Author: Jacquelyn C. Jackson, Ed.D.

Publication Year:

Media Type: Sample document

A September 19 letter signed by Jacquelyn Jackson, Director for Student Achievement and School Accountability Programs of U.S Department of Education, and Dick Deasy, DIrector of Arts Education Partnership was sent to all state Title I Directors.…

Categories: Arts Education

Author: Barrett, William P.

Publication Year:

Media Type: Periodical (article)

According to a survey conducted by Forbes magazine, approximately 75% of the wealthiest individuals in the United States give to charitable causes through their own private foundations. This article discusses the motives for these wealthy Americans…

Categories: Fundraising

Author: Kevin McCarthy of RAND, Elizabeth H. Ondaatje of RAND, Arthur Brooks of RAND and Syracuse University, and Andras Szanto of Columbia University

Publication Year:

Media Type: Periodical (article)

A RAND Corporation report issued recently suggests that the visual arts picture isn't as rosy as it first appears, despite record museum attendance, booming commercial popularity, soaring prices for artists work and well-publicized museum expansions…

Categories: Private Sector, Arts Education

Author: San Jose Office of Cultural Affairs

Publication Year:

Media Type: Sample document

A regional cultural plan, designed by the City of San Jose Office of Cultural Affairs and the Arts Council of Santa Clara County to build upon and expand the scope of the 1988 initiative Arts 20/20. The purpose of this document is to address the…

Categories: Partnerships, Organizational Planning, Cultural Planning, Community Development

Author: San Jose Office of Cultural Affairs

Publication Year:

Media Type: Sample document

A regional cultural plan, designed by the City of San Jose Office of Cultural Affairs and the Arts Council of Santa Clara County to build upon and expand the scope of the 1988 initiative Arts 20/20. The purpose of this document is to address the…

Categories: Partnerships, Organizational Planning, Cultural Planning, Community Development

Author: The Alliance of Artists Communities

Publication Year:

Media Type: Report

A report by the Alliance of Artist's Communities to review community arts programs and to explore the individual experiences of artists working for community engagement.

Categories: Funding, Community Development

Author: The Montana Film Office; Montana Department of Commerce; with ArtsMarket, Inc.

Publication Year:

Media Type: Book

A report from the Montana Film Office and Montana Department of Commerce, in conjunction with ArtsMarket, Inc., on the economic impact of filmmaking in the state with recommendations for attracting future film production.

Categories: Funding, Economic Impact

Author: Smith, Marilyn S.

Publication Year:

Media Type: Periodical (article)

According to this op-ed by Marilyn Smith, a lawyer who has also served on several boards, board members of non-profit organizations are responsible for the financial health of their organizations. If people join boards solely for altruistic or…

Categories: Governance, Financial Management