National Arts Publications Database

The National Arts Publications Database is a bibliographic tool that gives access current and historical information on a multitude of topics related to arts administration and policy. The database contains over 7,000 bibliographic records—providing arts administrators, policy researchers, and advocates with an asset to help them locate information on arts policy and practice and arts administration resources and best practices. Many recent entries to the database may also include the actual publication for download as well. When possible, Americans for the Arts has included the publication for download, but in many cases the database is purely bibliographic by design.

Comprehensive Information on Arts Administration, Policy, and Practice


Published between

Author: Connor, John T.

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Report

From a speech given at the 15th Encore Awards Luncheon of the Arts and Business Council, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City, 30-Oct-1979. The author is Chairman of the Board of Allied Chemical, and a member of the Business Committee for the Arts.

Categories: Private Sector

Author: Newton, Michael

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Report

How many beleagured chairmen of orchestra, theatre, opera, dance and museum boards have at some stage of their annual battles with budgets toyed with the solution of a united fundraising appeal to serve all the arts? Typically, the boards of…

Categories: Private Sector

Author: Steinike, George C. and Stevens, Dana N.

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Report

How many dollars do non-profit arts organizations add to the income of Floridians? How much of the sales of businesses in Florida arise from purchases by cultural organizations, arts patrons and arts-induced tourists? If the arts are viewed as an…

Categories: Economic Impact

Author: Anderson, Robert J. Jr.; Baumol, Hilda; Maltezou, Sonia P.; and Wuthnow, Robert

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Report

In May 1977, in response to a request from Congress, the National Endowment for the Arts contracted for a study of the condition and needs of the live professional theatre in America. The study was to be made in two phases.

Categories: Creative Economies

Author: McCain, Roger A

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Report

Using a linear 'consumption technology,' we may model some phenomena of endogenous changes of taste, including addiction, habituation, and cultivation of taste. This essay concentrates on cultivation of taste. A short-run, long-run dichotomy is used…

Categories: Participation

Author: UNESCO

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Report

We have divided the report into four parts. The first and last chapters deal with matters of principle. The other two contain accounts of conditions and experiences in the six participating countries. Chapter 1 sets out points of departure. We…

Categories: International

Author: Withers, Glenn A.

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Report

What explains variations in state financial support for culture? Is there any reason to believe that increased government subvention for the arts might be forthcoming? This paper seeks to provide some answers to these questions for recent Australian…

Categories: Creative Economies

Author: Educational Testing Service

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Report

This set of papers touches upon some of the issues and problems to be considered and resolved as the NAA program takes form. It will be noted that there are certain inconsistencies across papers. This should not be of concern, since their major…

Categories: Arts Education

Author: Greenville Metropolitan Arts Council

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Report

This section summarizes and discusses the major findings resulting from an application of the economic model to Greenville. The unit of analysis was Greenville County; unless otherwise indicated, all data are for fiscal year 1977. It should be noted…

Categories: Economic Impact

Author: Urban Innovations Group

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Book

This study reports that 49,150 people were employed in arts-related jobs in 1970 in the Los Angeles area. Although there is not an estimate of overall economic impact, there is an extensive discussion of the use of multipliers [see Appendix C],…

Categories: Economic Impact