White Papers for Use in Planning the National Arts Awards Program

Author: Educational Testing Service

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Report


This set of papers touches upon some of the issues and problems to be considered and resolved as the NAA program takes form. It will be noted that there are certain inconsistencies across papers. This should not be of concern, since their major purpose is to assure a full and effective discussion of issues before specific program characteristics are set. The reader is invited to single out those issues of particular interest before arrival at the Organizing Conference, so he or she may decide which of several discussion groups to join.


This set of papers touches upon some of the issues and problems to be considered and resolved as the NAA program takes form. It will be noted that there are certain inconsistencies across papers. This should not be of concern, since their major purpose is to assure a full and effective discussion of issues before specific program characteristics are set. The reader is invited to single out those issues of particular interest before arrival at the Organizing Conference, so he or she may decide which of several discussion groups to join.

White papers for use in planning the National Arts Awards program: 

1. Brief, June 1979. 
2. Awards criteria for the National Awards Program by John A. Winterbottom. 
3. Individual eligibility to entry into the National Arts Awards program by 
    Leah Gaskin Fitchue. 
4. Distribution of awards among the arts in the National Arts Awards program
    by Francean Meredith. 
5. The Several forms of Recognition in the National Arts Awards program by
    Susan Valentine Annich. 
6. Recognition of exemplary programs in the arts by Patricia Cline and 
    Wesley Walton. 
7. Research and evaluation as a component of the National Arts Awards
    program by William C. Ward. 
8. A strategy for funding the National Arts Awards by John S. Hollister and 
    Jack Osander. 
9. A Broad Base of involvement in Governance for the National Arts Awards
    Program by Wesley W. Walton.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Arts Education


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Name: Educational Testing Service

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