Fact Sheet 1720619957


Research from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis shows that the arts drive 4.9% of the U.S. GDP, generating $736.6 billion in 2015.

Cultural heritage and history drive over two-thirds of all of the tourism in the United States.

A cultural organization in a community has been shown to increase nearby residential property values by up to 20%.

The arts drive travel planning. 35.3 million adults say that a specific arts, cultural, or heritage event or activity influenced their choice of destination.

Research shows that cultural tourists spend nearly twice as much while traveling as other tourists do--an average of around $1,000 versus $600 per trip--providing important additional economic impacts to destination communities.

Art and community development results in greater tax revenues. The downtown Phoenix creativity hub yielded a 105% increase in tax receipts, compared to a city-wide decline of 1.04%.

"Arts and Culture Grow for Fourth Straight Year." (2018) Retrieved 16 May 2018 from

Americans for the Arts. Percentage of Foreign Visitors Participating in Arts Culture While Visiting the US 2005–2015. Americans for the Arts. Retrieved 11 February 2018 from…

Parkinson, A., Kahn, G., Peck, E., & Cohen, R. (2017). Business Contributions to the Arts, 2017 Edition (Research Report R-1630-17-RR) [Electronic version]. The Conference Board. Retrieved 29 January 2018 from http://www.

President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities. (2005). Cultural & Heritage Tourism in the United States by the President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities [Electronic version]. Retrieved 3 March 2018 from…

ABS. (2013) Arts and Culture in Australia: A Statistical Overview, 2012. Statistics retrieved 16 May 2018 from

Waits, M. (2014). Five Roles for Arts, Culture, and Design in Economic Development [Electronic version]. Community Development Invest Review: Creative Placemaking, 10(2). Retrieved 16 May 2023 from…


Ashé, a project of Efforts of Grace, Inc., is a community cultural arts center deeply rooted in Central City New Orleans that serves as a hub for people of African descent who live there.

WCRAI funds artistic microenterprises and small businesses to increase tourism to the Finger Lakes Region of New York. Started in 2016, several artists have already opened shops or increased production in towns throughout the county.

Philadelphia created the first percent-for-art program, which requires developers to commission public art for their projects. In 2001, percent-for-art commissions totaled $2.8 million.

The Providence Department of Art, Culture + Tourism (AC+T) ensures the continued development of a vibrant and creative city by integrating arts and culture into community life while showcasing Providence as an international cultural destination.

Our Community Arts Engagement initiatives serve families in the Austin area by providing all-ages arts, music, and cultural programs for kids, parents, and caretakers to enjoy together. Our programs are a fun way for people to become more actively

The COVID-19 pandemic revealed the inadequacy of our existing social support systems, and in particular, the fragility of our arts and culture ecosystem.

Artist Relief’s 


The Cultural and Heritage Traveler Study

McCormick, Rosemary McCormick, Rosemary

The primary objective of MSA’s travel and tourism white paper series is to provide education and resources to increase visitation to museums and increase business at museum stores.

Tourism, Culture and Sustainable Development

Mike Robinson and David Picard Mike Robinson and David Picard

We can safely say today that, thanks to the boom in tourism in recent decades, never before in the history of humanity have the inhabitants of this planet travelled as much, or been as much engaged in the discovery of other cultures. So, what are we,

Top 10 Reasons to Support the Arts in 2023

Cohen, Randy Cohen, Randy
Publication Year: 2023

The arts are fundamental to our humanity. They ennoble and inspire us—fostering creativity, empathy, and beauty. The arts also strengthen our communities socially, educationally, and economically—benefits that persisted during a pandemic that was


Cultural Tourism Alliance

The Cultural Tourism Alliance is group of tourism marketing professionals who share the vision and challenge of increasing tourism to towns, cities, regions, and states in the United States through the promotion of authentic and unique cultural and heritage offerings.

National Endowment for the Arts

Established by Congress in 1965, the NEA is the independent federal agency whose funding and support gives Americans the opportunity to participate in the arts, exercise their imaginations, and develop their creative capacities.

The Arts Impact Explorer was made possible thanks to the generous support of the Mellon Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts. Additional support provided by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation.

This fact sheet was developed as part
of the Arts + Social Impact Explorer