National Arts Publications Database

The National Arts Publications Database is a bibliographic tool that gives access current and historical information on a multitude of topics related to arts administration and policy. The database contains over 7,000 bibliographic records—providing arts administrators, policy researchers, and advocates with an asset to help them locate information on arts policy and practice and arts administration resources and best practices. Many recent entries to the database may also include the actual publication for download as well. When possible, Americans for the Arts has included the publication for download, but in many cases the database is purely bibliographic by design.

Comprehensive Information on Arts Administration, Policy, and Practice


Published between

Author: Skaggs, Rachel

Publication Year: 2017

Media Type: Report

"Career skills are increasingly regarded as a crucial element of higher education, and researchers have noted the importance of such skills in assuring successful post-college career outcomes. For example, students who report using schools’ career…

Categories: Creative Workforce, Creative Industries, Arts Education

Author: John Edson, Garen Kouyoumjian, and Benedict Sheppard

Publication Year: 2017

Media Type: Report

This report explores the underlying design practices that allow some firms to succeed above others across multiple industries. Aiming to uncover the connections between business value and design, the report identifies ten design actions across three…

Categories: Visual Art, Technology and Innovation, Creative Workforce, Creative Industries

Author: Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality

Publication Year: 2017

Media Type: Report

Youth in social circus programs across the US are making big leaps in the skills they need to lead productive lives, according to a recently completed study commissioned by the American Youth Circus Organization (AYCO) and conducted by the David P.…

Categories: Partnerships, Participation, Leadership, Fundraising, Cultural Planning, Cultural Diversity, Creative Youth Development, Creative Economies, Community Development, Civic Dialogue and Social Change, Arts Education, Advocacy, Accessibility, Access and Equity

Front page of Arts Facts: Private Sector Philanthropy (2017)

Author: Americans for the Arts

Publication Year: 2017

Media Type: Infographic

This one pager prepared in 2017 shows trends in private sector charitable gifts to the arts, culture, and humanities from 2005-2016. The data is from The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University, Giving USA 2016 with analysis by Americans for…

Categories: Arts Facts, Funding, Private Sector

Fact sheet "Arts Facts: Arts Programs for At-Risk Youth (2017)" with black and white bar graphs.

Author: Americans for the Arts

Publication Year: 2017

Media Type: Infographic

Studies by the U.S. Departmen of Justice demonstrate increased pre-social behaviro amoung youth invovled with arts programs.

Categories: Arts Education, Arts Facts, Creative Youth Development

The Arts & Economic Prosperity V cover, showing a bussling downtown arts district

Author: Americans for the Arts

Publication Year: 2017

Media Type: Report

This national study, conducted every five years by American for the Arts, is the most comprehensive look at the economic impact of the nonprofit arts sector in the country, and is accompanied by trainings and resources to translate data into change.

Categories: Economic Impact, Partnerships, Private Sector

Front cover with text for Ten Reasons to Support the Arts (2017)

Author: Cohen, Randy

Publication Year: 2017

Media Type: Infographic

Ten Reasons to Support the Arts - 2017 update

Categories: Advocacy, Arts and Military, Arts Education, Community Development, Creative Economies, Creative Industries, Creative Workforce, Economic Impact, Tourism

Entire first page text of Arts Facts: What Americans Believe About the Arts

Author: Cohen, Randy

Publication Year: 2017

Media Type: Infographic

Highlights from the 2015 public opinion poll, Americans Speak Out About the Arts, conducted by Ipsos on behalf of Americans for the Arts. 

Categories: Advocacy, Arts Action Fund, Arts and Military, Community Development, Creative Economies, Cultural Diplomacy and Exchange, Tourism

Arts Facts: Artists Employment (2003-2016) fact sheet featuring a bar graph of data from the years 2003-2016

Author: Americans for the Arts

Publication Year: 2017

Media Type: Infographic

This is a one pager of quick facts about the number of artists employed in the United States compiled from research by the Americans for the Arts Research and Policy Department.

Categories: Artists-Resources for, Creative Industries, Creative Workforce, Federal

Fact sheet Arts Facts: Preparing Students for the Workplace (2017), featuring a black and grey pie chart

Author: Americans for the Arts

Publication Year: 2017

Media Type: Infographic

This Arts Facts one pager provides statistics in support of Creativity as on of teh top three personality traiits most importat to career success.

Categories: Arts Education, Arts Facts, Creative Industries, Creative Workforce, Private Sector