National Arts Publications Database

The National Arts Publications Database is a bibliographic tool that gives access current and historical information on a multitude of topics related to arts administration and policy. The database contains over 7,000 bibliographic records—providing arts administrators, policy researchers, and advocates with an asset to help them locate information on arts policy and practice and arts administration resources and best practices. Many recent entries to the database may also include the actual publication for download as well. When possible, Americans for the Arts has included the publication for download, but in many cases the database is purely bibliographic by design.

Comprehensive Information on Arts Administration, Policy, and Practice


Published between

Author: Cohen, Randy

Publication Year:

Media Type: Infographic

Local government funding to their Local Arts Agencies is expected to remain steady in 2019, with an estimated $860 million in funding.  State legislative arts appropriations are expected to increase slightly, from $353.2 million in FY2018 to $360.5…

Categories: Funding, Advocacy

Author: Cohen, Randy

Publication Year:

Media Type: Infographic

The United States has exported more arts and cultural goods and services than it imported since 2006, including during the Great Recession. In 2015, the arts netted a $21-billion-dollar trade surplus.

Categories: International, Creative Industries, Advocacy

Author: Cohen, Randy

Publication Year:

Media Type: Infographic

The entire U.S. arts and culture sector (i.e., nonprofit, commercial, education) is a $764 billion industry. This represents 4.2 percent of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP)—a larger share of the economy than transportation, agriculture, or…

Categories: Economic Impact, Creative Industries, Creative Economies, Advocacy

Author: Cohen, Randy

Publication Year:

Media Type: Infographic

The arts are fundamental to our humanity. They ennoble and inspire us—fostering creativity, goodness, and beauty. The arts bring us joy, help us express our values, and build bridges between cultures. The arts are also a fundamental component of a…

Categories: Economic Impact, Creative Industries, Creative Economies, Arts Education, Advocacy

Author: Barr Foundation and Americans for the Arts

Publication Year:

Media Type: Report

As definitions of public art broaden to include social and civic practice, cultural agencies and funders are responding by supporting more place- and issue-specific work as well as cross-sector collaborations. The Scan offers snapshots of 28…

Categories: Public Art, Local Arts Agencies, Community Development, Civic Dialogue and Social Change

Author: Waller, Margy and Joe Grady

Publication Year:

Media Type: Report

This pilot communications research initiative begins to qualitatively explore Americans’ current thinking about the connection between arts and health, and their responses to communications about this topic. Conversations with a diverse cross-…

Categories: Participation, Marketing and Communications, Evaluation, Economic Impact, Community Development, Advocacy

Author: Davidson, Ben; Kahn, Graciela; and Stern, Jessica

Publication Year:

Media Type: Report

Americans for the Arts is pleased to present this report about the nation’s united arts fund annual campaigns, containing the most current information provided as of fall 2018.  

Categories: United Arts Funds

Author: Cohen, Randy

Publication Year:

Media Type: Infographic

The United States has exported more arts and cultural goods and services than it imported since 2006, including during the Great Recession. In 2016, the arts netted a $25-billion-dollar international trade surplus.  

Categories: Economic Impact, Creative Workforce, Creative Industries, Creative Economies, Advocacy

Author: Cohen, Randy

Publication Year:

Media Type: Infographic

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that there were 2.55 million artists in the U.S. workforce in 2017—representing 1.6 percent of all workers 16 and older.  

Categories: Creative Workforce, Creative Industries, Creative Economies

Author: Cohen, Randy

Publication Year:

Media Type: Infographic

The entire U.S. arts and culture sector (i.e., nonprofit, commercial, education) was a $804 billion industry in 2016. This represents 4.3 percent of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP)—a larger share of the economy than transportation,…

Categories: Economic Impact, Creative Workforce, Creative Industries, Creative Economies, Advocacy