National Arts Publications Database

The National Arts Publications Database is a bibliographic tool that gives access current and historical information on a multitude of topics related to arts administration and policy. The database contains over 7,000 bibliographic records—providing arts administrators, policy researchers, and advocates with an asset to help them locate information on arts policy and practice and arts administration resources and best practices. Many recent entries to the database may also include the actual publication for download as well. When possible, Americans for the Arts has included the publication for download, but in many cases the database is purely bibliographic by design.

Comprehensive Information on Arts Administration, Policy, and Practice


Published between

Author: Association for Public Art

Publication Year:

Media Type: Sample document

This sample bike map takes participants around the city of Philadelphia's outdoor sculpture. The Outdoor Sculpture Bike Map provides two routes for a unique view of Philadelphia’s public art

Categories: Visual Art, Tourism, Public Art, Participation, Access and Equity

Author: Association for Public Art

Publication Year:

Media Type: Sample document

An introductory lesson plan for 4/5th graders to understand a piece of public art in Philadelphia with the goal to learn how art can provide inspiration.

Categories: Public Art, Arts Education

Author: Association for Public Art

Publication Year:

Media Type: Sample document

An introductory lesson plan for 4/5th graders to understand a piece of public art in Philadelphia with the goal to learn how art can provide inspiration.

Categories: Visual Art, Public Art, Arts Education

Author: Coles-Dobay, Debby

Publication Year:

Media Type: Sample document

This sample document shows a form used to gather the details needed in closing out a public art project with an artist. By utlizing this type of form assits in ensuring that the owner of the artwork will have the nessecary information needed in case…

Categories: Public Art

Author: Association for Public Art

Publication Year:

Media Type: Sample document

An introductory lesson plan for 4/5th graders to understand a piece of public art in Philadelphia with the goal to learn how art can provide inspiration.

Categories: Public Art, Arts Education

Author: Association for Public Art

Publication Year:

Media Type: Sample document

An introductory lesson plan for 4/5th graders to understand a piece of public art in Philadelphia with the goal to learn how art can provide inspiration.

Categories: Public Art, Arts Education

Author: Montgomery, Denise; Rogovin, Peter; and Persaud, Neromanie R.

Publication Year:

Media Type: Report

Suppose afterschool arts programs tried a marketplace model to get more low-income, urban young people involved in the arts. That would make youngsters the programs’ “consumers” – with many options for their time and attention – and suggest the…

Categories: Creative Youth Development, Arts Education

Author: National Endowment for the Arts

Publication Year:

Media Type: Infographic

Created out of the National Endowment for the Arts’ Military Healing Arts Partnership, this infographic tells us about the neurological, emotional and physical healing benefits of the Arts for the Military, for Youths as well as for Older Adults.

Categories: Arts and Military

Author: University of Florida

Publication Year:

Media Type: Infographic

In addition to music's initrinsic benefits of self expression, creative thinking and personal passion, the Univeristy of Florida's Why Music? infographic shows us some of the academic, personal and learning benefits to a musical education.

Categories: Arts Education

Author: Cannell, Michael

Publication Year:

Media Type: Periodical (article)

How can museums attract millennials to their exhibitions. Arts and cultural institutions are looking for new ways to engage young professionsals and turn them into their loyal patrons and donors. A group, Musuem Hack, has developed a new style of…

Categories: Visual Art, Participation, Marketing and Communications