National Arts Publications Database

The National Arts Publications Database is a bibliographic tool that gives access current and historical information on a multitude of topics related to arts administration and policy. The database contains over 7,000 bibliographic records—providing arts administrators, policy researchers, and advocates with an asset to help them locate information on arts policy and practice and arts administration resources and best practices. Many recent entries to the database may also include the actual publication for download as well. When possible, Americans for the Arts has included the publication for download, but in many cases the database is purely bibliographic by design.

Comprehensive Information on Arts Administration, Policy, and Practice


Published between

Author: Smith, Judith G.

Publication Year: 1973

Media Type: Report

The results and analysis of an earlier museum survey, presented in Museum U.S.A.: Highlights, are given in this document. The purpose is to present a comprehensive picture of museums in the --their numbers and locations, types and functions,…

Categories: Cultural Facilities

Author: Eric Marder Associates

Publication Year: 1973

Media Type: Report

The report presents and analyzes data from a national survey begun in 1971 and describes the nature of, and reasons for, nonprofit artistic groups and the ways they function. The report shows how these various arts organizations came to be as they…

Categories: Financial Management

Author: Becker, Howard S.

Publication Year: 1973

Media Type: Report

The author discusses an art work as the product of the cooperative activity of many people. Artistic conventions mediate cooperation. Innovation occurs when artists discover alternative means of assembling the necessary resources.

Categories: Artists-Resources for

Author: Blackburn, Richard

Publication Year: 1973

Media Type: Report

This is a report of a survey conducted in Spring 1974 by the Association of College, University and Community Arts Administrators of its constituent membership in cooperation with the Graduate School of Business and the Center for Arts…

Categories: Arts Education

Author: Netzer, Dick

Publication Year: 1973

Media Type: Report

As long as public support for the arts was small in amount and sporadic in occurrence, there was little reason to insist that such minor support be extended on the basis of a coherent public policy towards the arts. However, now that we are in an…

Categories: Funding

Author: Morison, Bradley G.; Zeigler, Joseph Wesley; and Pilk, Roberta

Publication Year: 1973

Media Type: Report

Arts Development Associates was commissioned by the New York State Council on the Arts to conduct a research study to determine the feasibility of touring the performing arts throughout the state.

Categories: Community Development

Author: Adizes, Ichak

Publication Year: 1973

Media Type: Report

It is generally recognized that the problems of operating artistic institutions are very different from those encountered by the managers of commercial enterprises; and that the arts operate under such a financial handicap in the free market that it…

Categories: Funding

Author: Richard, Nancy and Madeja, Stanley S.

Publication Year: 1973

Media Type: Report

How can creativity be developed in children? Does their physical environment affect development of creativity? The psychological climate? Will a year of in-depth perceptual skills instruction lead children to apply their skills to thinking and…

Categories: Arts Education

Author: Larry, R. Heath

Publication Year: 1973

Media Type: Report

Excerpts from remarks following dedication of Alexander Calder's sculpture, Eagle, by Fort Worth National Bank for the Plaza of its new headquarters building, February 15, 1974, Fort Worth, Texas. Art and business are intertwined, and inextricably…

Categories: Private Sector

Author: Rockefeller, David Sr.

Publication Year: 1973

Media Type: Report

Excerpts from remarks made at the Business Committee for the Arts annual dinner, New York, April 3, 1974. -- It's a special pleasure for me to be able to participate in this 7th annual meeting of the Business Committee for the Arts.

Categories: Private Sector