National Arts Publications Database

The National Arts Publications Database is a bibliographic tool that gives access current and historical information on a multitude of topics related to arts administration and policy. The database contains over 7,000 bibliographic records—providing arts administrators, policy researchers, and advocates with an asset to help them locate information on arts policy and practice and arts administration resources and best practices. Many recent entries to the database may also include the actual publication for download as well. When possible, Americans for the Arts has included the publication for download, but in many cases the database is purely bibliographic by design.

Comprehensive Information on Arts Administration, Policy, and Practice


Published between

Author: Heidelberg, Brea M.

Publication Year: 2015

Media Type:

Excerpted from "Arts & America: Arts, Culture, and the Future of America’s Communities". This essay explores the changing definition of "community" and the role the arts could play to have a positive impact on that change over the next 10 to 15…

Categories: Local Arts Agencies, Heritage & Preservation, Cultural Planning, Community Development

Author: Walsh, Patricia

Publication Year: 2015

Media Type: Report

The results for the 2015 effort Americans for the Arts and the PAN Council exploration in the development and management of several established regionally foscused public art groups to better understand how these groups opperated.

Categories: Public Art

Author: Cohen, Joshua L; and Johnson, J. Lauren, Editors

Publication Year: 2015

Media Type: Report

"This volume describes a burgeoning area of psychotherapy that employs the art of fi lmmaking and digital storytelling as a means of healing victims of trauma and abuse." [p.1]

Categories: Visual Art, Technology and Innovation, Arts and Military

Author: Bloom, Joshua and Phillips, Surale

Publication Year: 2015

Media Type: Report

Inspired by the popular 21 Balançoires (21 Swings) installation, The Swings: An Exercise in Musical Cooperation is a standalone musical installation available for international touring.Since 2011, the original 21 Swings installation has attracted…

Categories: Public Art, Evaluation, Economic Impact

Author: Blackbaud

Publication Year: 2015

Media Type: Infographic

The arts and cultural market generates $166.2 billion in revenue every year. Technology is playing a key role in this extraordinary growth. With nearly three million paid staff and one million volunteers, arts and cultural organizations serve more…

Categories: Fundraising, Economic Impact

Author: Private Sector Initiatives Department

Publication Year: 2015

Media Type: Toolkit

Businesses often promote volunteerism as one of the key elements of employee engagement. Arts organizations are looking for ways to increase involvement with skilled volunteers. This tool-kit focuses on how volunteer programs can make employees feel…

Categories: Volunteerism, Private Sector, Partnerships, Participation, Creative Workforce, Creative Industries

Author: Musher, Sharon Ann

Publication Year: 2015

Media Type: Book

Drawing on close readings of government-funded architecture, murals, plays, writing, and photographs, Democratic Art argues that those engaged in New Deal art were part of an explicitly cultural agenda that sought not just to create art but to…

Categories: Visual Art, Public Art, Funding, Federal, Cultural Diversity, Community Development, Civic Dialogue and Social Change, Censorship, Accessibility

Author: Americans for the Arts

Publication Year: 2015

Media Type: Toolkit

Even in the current economy, businesses are still searching for innovative ways to recruit and retain employees. Programs that allow employees to bring their values to work are good investments. The arts are a wonderful catalyst that can help shift…

Categories: Private Sector, Partnerships, Creative Workforce

Author: Shue, Jordan

Publication Year: 2015

Media Type: Toolkit

What is corporate social responsibility, and how can arts groups partner with businesses to acheive societal change, in addition to furthering the goals of a business and the mission of an organization? This tool-kit will give you all the answers to…

Categories: Private Sector, Partnerships, Civic Dialogue and Social Change

Author: Shue, Jordan

Publication Year: 2015

Media Type: Toolkit

What is the most effective way to take data from the Creative Industries reports and turn it into a story appealing to the business community? This tool-kit has peer insights on the best ways to craft your message, along with information on how the…

Categories: Private Sector, Partnerships, Creative Industries