The Young Audiences Theatre Company: A Report on the Young Audiences-Artists in the Schools Theatre Project in New York City Elementary Schools

Author: Bell, Richard

Publication Year: 1977

Media Type: Report


The Young Audiences Theatre Company has been in active existence for nearly a year as a joint venture of National Young Audiences and its New York Chapter. The Company came into being in the fall of 1977 as a result of a small grant from the NEA Artists-in-the-Schools Program and the New York Foundation. Our purpose was to develop a pilot theatre-education residency in a single school at the elementary level which would combine performance and workshop units in a sequential series of exposures aimed at introducing fourth through sixth grade students and teachers to the creative processes of theatre.


The Young Audiences Theatre Company has been in active existence for nearly a year as a joint venture of National Young Audiences and its New York Chapter. The Company came into being in the fall of 1977 as a result of a small grant from the NEA Artists-in-the-Schools Program and the New York Foundation. Our purpose was to develop a pilot theatre-education residency in a single school at the elementary level which would combine performance and workshop units in a sequential series of exposures aimed at introducing fourth through sixth grade students and teachers to the creative processes of theatre.

Summary objectives of our original proposal to the New York Foundation included:

  1. To increase school community exposure to professional theatrical performance of the highest quality.

  2. To heighten the school community's understanding and involvement in the basic creative processes which make up theatrical practice.

  3. To develop company members' abilities to serve as professional resources in a theatre-education residency. (p. Summary)

1. Introduction of Participants:

Mark Shapiro, Principal.
Shirley Schlinger - assistant principal.
Vera Hepner, In-school coordinator.
Sheldon Koy, Teacher (6th grade).
Katherine Bowen, teacher (5th grade).
Beth Peterson, teacher (3rd grade).
Richard Bell, project director.
Lucille Botte, Production coordinator.
Susan Norton, Documenter.
Cathryn Paige, Arts-education consultant (Program Director, New York Chapter, Y.A.).

2. Sources of support:

NEA artist in the schools.
Young audiences program laboratory.
(Morgan Guaranty Trust, Astor Foundation, Xerox corporation).
P.S. 98.

3. Pedogological point of departure:
         Our primary focus will be on exploring the intrinsic value of theatre arts activities
         rather than on using various theatre techniques as a means of teaching subject
         areas which are already established in the curriculum.

Underlying assumptions:
     A. Involving the children experientially in theatre arts processes
          forsters their creative problem solving abilities by increasing 
          concentration, imagination, creativity and sense of personal well
     B. Increasing the children's creative problem solving skills will have a
         positive impact on all subject areas of the school curriculum.

4. Objectives:

      1. To design a sequential series of theatre arts curricular activities which will allow the children to experience the creative processes of the playwright, the actor, the designer and the director.
      2. To develop strategies for maximizing the effectiveness of teacher-artist interactions in the school environment.
      3. To illicit (?) the support of the entire school community for including theatre arts activities as a permanent part of the curriculum.

5. Project activities: 

      1. Weekly planning sessions in Nov., Dec. and Jan. (see accompanying schedule).
      2. Theatre performances. 
      3. Twice weekly classes and weekly evaluation sessions for ten weeks in February,  March and April.
      4. Culminating activity involving artists, teachers, parents and children.

6. Related materials:

      1. Preparatory materials for performance piece.
      2. Suggested material for between class activities.
      3. Follow-up activities and materials designed to facilitate use of theatre techniques in other subject areas.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Arts Education


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