Why Public Art Matters (2018)

Author: Americans for the Arts

Publication Year:

Media Type: Report


Art in public spaces plays a distinguishing role in our country’s history and culture. It reflects and reveals our society, enhances meaning in our civic spaces, and adds uniqueness to our communities. Public art humanizes the built environment. It provides an intersection between past, present, and future between disciplines and ideas. Public art matters because our ommunities gain cultural, social, and economic value through public art.

In this document we will explore how public art impacts five community values: Economic Growth and Sustainability, Attachment and Cultural Identity, Artists as Contributors, Social Cohesion and Cultural Understanding, and Public Health and Belonging. Each section includes a summary, reasoning statement, supporting data, and examples. This document is designed as a tool for those making the case for public art in their community. We encourage the distribution of this document and the information provided to anyone interested in this topic or in need of an educational tool.

“Why Public Art Matters (2018)” reflects on the previous green paper of the same title released in the late 2000’s. The current document was developed in collaboration with the 2018 Public Art Network Advisory Council who Americans for the Arts thanks for their dedication to strengthening the public art field.


Art in public spaces plays a distinguishing role in our country’s history and culture. It reflects and reveals our society, enhances meaning in our civic spaces, and adds uniqueness to our communities. Public art humanizes the built environment. It provides an intersection between past, present, and future between disciplines and ideas. Public art matters because our ommunities gain cultural, social, and economic value through public art.

In this document we will explore how public art impacts five community values: Economic Growth and Sustainability, Attachment and Cultural Identity, Artists as Contributors, Social Cohesion and Cultural Understanding, and Public Health and Belonging. Each section includes a summary, reasoning statement, supporting data, and examples. This document is designed as a tool for those making the case for public art in their community. We encourage the distribution of this document and the information provided to anyone interested in this topic or in need of an educational tool.

“Why Public Art Matters (2018)” reflects on the previous green paper of the same title released in the late 2000’s. The current document was developed in collaboration with the 2018 Public Art Network Advisory Council who Americans for the Arts thanks for their dedication to strengthening the public art field.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Public Art, Economic Impact, Community Development, Artists-Resources for, Advocacy


Series Title:




Pages: 8

Resources: Document


Name: Americans for the Arts

Website URL: