The Whole Film Sourcebook

Author: Maltin, Leonard

Publication Year: 1980

Media Type: Book


This is what I hope to accomplish with The Whole Film Sourcebook: to offer practical, useful information, and access to even further information by citing other important resources. It seemed to me that the only way to do the job right was to enlist the services of experts in each area, from film education to film distribution, from the world of unionism to the world of library research. I was fortunate enough to recruit some of the best people in their fields - people who really know what they're talking about. It is my hope that you, the reader, will be able to benefit from their firsthand knowledge.

Naturally, being the work of many different people, this book represents a variety of approaches - and prejudices. Most of the listings are selective; some are arbitrary. But they represent what each contributor considers to be the key to his or her field.


This is what I hope to accomplish with The Whole Film Sourcebook: to offer practical, useful information, and access to even further information by citing other important resources. It seemed to me that the only way to do the job right was to enlist the services of experts in each area, from film education to film distribution, from the world of unionism to the world of library research. I was fortunate enough to recruit some of the best people in their fields - people who really know what they're talking about. It is my hope that you, the reader, will be able to benefit from their firsthand knowledge.

Naturally, being the work of many different people, this book represents a variety of approaches - and prejudices. Most of the listings are selective; some are arbitrary. But they represent what each contributor considers to be the key to his or her field. (p. X)


Education and careers.
The Hollywood dreams: 1983 by Todd McCarthy.
The study of film in American colleges and universities by Louis black and Warren Spector.
The function of film schools.
How to choose a film school.
Colleges and universities offering significant comprehensive film programs.
Colleges and universities offering film programs of specific or special interest. 
General listing of universities and colleges with departments or divisions specifically devoted to film study.

Supporting filmmaking activities: grants, grantsmanship, loans, resources by Thomas Zummer.
The search for money.
Government grants.
Federal government programs.
National Endowment for the Humanities.
National Endowment for the Arts.
Public television.
State and regional sources.
State arts agencies.
Regional arts agencies.
State humanities committees.
Other state and regional sources.
Community and local sources.
City offices.
Community arts councils.
The private sector.
Types of foundations.
The Foundation Center: a primary resource.
Foundation programs supporting film corporations.
Direct grants.
Grants through company-sponsored foundations.
In-kind donations.
Other resources and opportunities for filmmakers.
Grantsmanship resources.
Trade and service organizations.
Production assistance and other services.
Bibliography of funding information.
     A. Basic information sources.
     B. References for filmmakers.
     C. References addressing specific sources.
     D. Related resources (administration. law, management).

Film unions and guilds by Lawrence Haverhill and Rene L. Ash.
How unions affect filmmaking.
Apprenticeship and training programs.
A union primer: questions and answers.
Film-related unions and guilds.

Access to films.
16mm film rental sources by Gary Bordzuk.
An overview of 16mm distributing.
How to use the distributor listings.
16mm film distributors in the .
Film distributors and production companies by Michael Schlesinger.
The nature of distribution and production.
Selected distributors and production companies.

Film archives by Audrey E. Kupferberg.
The function of film archives.
Archives in the .
Archives abroad.

Specialized film exhibition by Adam Reilly.
The function of specialized film exhibition.
Major specialized exhibition sites.
Film festivals by Rob Edelman.
The function of film festivals.
Selected film festivals in the .
Selected film festivals abroad.

Research and Reference: A selected bibliography of film books by Carol Epstein.
Criteria for listings. 
Reference books. 
Awards, etc. 
Technical aspects.
Biography and career study.
Books on the studios.
Individual critics.
Books on genres.
     B movies.
     Fantasy, science fiction, and horror.
Books on the history of film.
     General histories.
     History by countries.
     Silent films.
Books on individual films.
Books on miscellaneous topics.

Film publications by Ron Magliozzi.
An overview of film publications.
Selected current English-language film publications.

Film research libraries and special collections by Anthony Slide.
The nature of film research.
Selected libraries and collections in the .

Film bookstores by Judith M. Kass.
The function of film bookstores.
Major film bookstores in the .

Photo sources by Leonard Maltin, Judith M. Kass and Anthony Slide.
An overview with photo sources.
Selected photo sources in the .
About the contributors.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Artists-Resources for


Series Title:



SBN/ISSN: 0-452-25361-1

Pages: 454




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