Author: Creative Scotland
Publication Year: 2022
Media Type: Report
In 2010 the Scottish Government (Education and Culture), Creative Scotland and Education Scotland - in partnership with the GTCS, SQA, ADES, College Development Network and Skills Development Scotland - began work on an ambitious Creative Learning Plan for Scotland. Throughout this publication you will find myriad examples of how and where the work of the action plan group is bearing fruit, and building confidence.
The eminent educationalist Sir Kenneth Robinson is quite clear about it: creativity is not a special quality bestowed on special people. “If you’re human,” he says, “It comes with the kit.”
That is a belief shared by the Scottish Government who have been working across departments to embed creativity in every aspect of our experience, most especially learning and teaching.
And a belief common to the group of national leaders in education and creativity who have been in partnership for the last three years sharing their vision of placing creativity at the very heart of every place of learning in every local authority.
Part of this is no more than enlightened self-interest. A nation which nurtures and encourages creativity is one that produces citizens able to rise to the challenges of the global economy.
Business leaders worldwide have repeatedly advanced the view that the 21st century belongs to those who are creative, collaborative, and intensely curious. People in love with ideas.
Just as crucial is the impact on people’s lives and those of their communities. Untapped potential is unforgivable human wastage on a grand scale. That potential, released and harnessed, is nothing less than transformative.
Any rain sodden member of the audience at the Big Noise concert in the Raploch, Stirling last summer could be in little doubt of that, as children who had barely seen a musical instrument a year before, played with the legendary Simon Bolivar orchestra.
In 2010 the Scottish Government (Education and Culture), Creative Scotland and Education Scotland - in partnership with the GTCS, SQA, ADES, College Development Network and Skills Development Scotland - began work on an ambitious Creative Learning Plan for Scotland. Throughout this publication you will find myriad examples of how and where the work of the action plan group is bearing fruit, and building confidence.
Arts & Intersections: Art, Community Cohesion, Community Development, Youth Education
Categories: Arts Education, Community Development, Creative Youth Development, Federal, Local Arts Agencies
Name: Creative Scotland
Website URL: Creative Scotland Website