United Arts Fundraising Manual

Author: American Council for the Arts

Publication Year: 1979

Media Type: Book


During the past few years, an important type of arts service organization has developed - the united arts fund. Using the United Way as a loose model, united arts funds are organizations which raise money in a combined or federated appeal for a number of individual arts groups and institutions.


During the past few years, an important type of arts service organization has developed - the united arts fund. Using the United Way as a loose model, united arts funds are organizations which raise money in a combined or federated appeal for a number of individual arts groups and institutions. The more than forty united arts funds that exist raise over $25 million for the arts each year at an average cost of less than 10 percent of the total raised. These impressive statistics are clear evidence of the potential importance and power of this movement.

United arts funds are important and very effective ways of raising money for the arts. They are based on the concepts of strength in unity and economics of scale. They are joint efforts, requiring cooperation by both donors and donees - a cooperation based on the enlightened self-interest of everyone. They are highly efficient and eliminate much duplication of effort for both sides.

They are not, however, a panacea. They will not work under every circumstance or in every community. They are often difficult to establish; they require much planning, much analysis, and much cooperation by all the parties involved. It is in recognition of these points concerning united arts funds that this manual has been prepared. It has been designed for those who are considering establishing a united arts fund and for those new to the united arts fund field. It covers both the philosophy of united arts fundraising - its advantages and disadvantages - and its practicalities - how a campaign should be set up, what publicity materials should be used.

This manual is one of several resources developed by ACA to help support and strengthen the united arts fund movement. It is, in fact, based on a united arts fundraising workshop held in Fort Worth, Texas, as part of the annual meeting of united arts funds. ACA also has developed united arts fundraising workshop packages available to individuals interested in establishing a united arts fund. These efforts in turn are supplemented by a number of other publications designed to help the united arts fund executive.

The pros and cons of United Fundraising for the arts by Michael Newton.
Establishing a United Arts Fund by Milton Rhodes and W. Grant Brownrigg.
How to start a United Fundraising Campaign by Allan H. Cowan.
Basic Campaign Principles by Richard Tombaugh.
Allocation procedures by Suzanne Miles Lasko.
Campaign materials that work by William J. Murphy.
Putting the pieces together by Paul G. Sittenfeld.
Appendix: Related reading from ACA.
About ACA.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: United Arts Funds, Fundraising, Funding


Series Title:



SBN/ISSN: 0-915400-19-7

Pages: 57



Name: Americans for the Arts

Website URL: