Toward a National Policy on Culture: A Public Perspective

Author: Morse, David J.

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Book



Paper presented at Conference on the Economic Impact of the Arts, sponsored by Cornell University, Graduate School of Business and Public Administration, held in Ithaca, New York, May 27-28, 1981.

The implication that there should be a national policy on culture is itself highly controversial. Assuming that there should be such a policy, who should establish it? To the extent that only a small proportion of all funding for the arts comes from the federal government, is it reasonable to expect that a national arts policy should be a federal arts policy? And, given the premise that the arts are of significant public benefit, what should be the role of the federal government in support of the arts?

We are in a period of scarce federal dollars, with severe competition for funds among various and deserving recipients, the ability of government to support all of these interests adequately is problematic. The initial congressional action on the Reagan budget made this obvious. In this political and economic context, when support for so-called basic services - education, health, public security - is being dramatically curtailed, is there a federal responsibility to support the arts?

This adminstration's preliminary answer, at least from the Office of Management and Budget's perspective, is to indicate 1) that federal arts activities are spread too thinly, and that support for cultural activities and institutions may be better generated through the private sector; and 2) that even if there is an absolute federal responsibility for arts support, it represents a low priority item relative to other federal responsibilities because it amounts to a middle and upper class subsidy outside the social safety net of basic federal activity. (p. 86-87)




Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Community Development


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SBN/ISSN: 0-941182-01-0





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