Toward Coordinated Federal Policies for Support of Arts Education: A Position Paper

Author: Eddy, Junius

Publication Year: 1976

Media Type: Report



For a little over a year - since July of 1976 - an ad hoc advisory group representing significant elements of the nation's arts education leadership has been meeting regularly at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C.

The group, calling itself The National Arts Education Advisory Panel (NAEAP) was formed to provide informal assistance to the staff of the Alliance for Arts Education (AAE), the educational arm of the Kennedy Center, and itself a joint project of the Center and the Office of Education, Department of H.E.W. Its meetings were held under the auspices of - and were coordinated by - the Alliance staff.

The NAEAP is composed of a score of professionals who, by virtue of their administrative and leadership positions, have differing responsibilities with respect to the field of arts education in the nation but who share common concerns about its present status, its continuing needs, and its future development. The NAEAP membership represents those Federal agencies which administer visible legislative programs in this field; the major national associations of arts educators; and private foundations supporting programs in arts education. Also represented are congressional interests, universities, state and local arts councils, community arts education programs - and the Arts, Education and Americans Panel (AEA), whose report on the significance of the arts for American education, Coming to our Senses, has recently been published. The names and affiliation of NAEAP members appear in the final pages of this document.

The group's overall purpose has been to assist the AAE in fashioning a definitive statement with respect to arts education which would set forth fundamental purposes, priority needs and proposed new legislative programs around which its respective constituencies could unite in common cause. This document is intended to serve such a function. (p. 1-2)

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Arts Education


Series Title:




Pages: 57




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