Through the Policy Window: The Context of Cultural Policy; Introduction to the Symposium on the Policy Role of Education Entities

Author: Wyszomirski, Margaret Jane

Publication Year:

Media Type: Periodical (article)



Just like the education policy context, the context influences the architecture of arts education policy. The activity and commitment of idea brokers, such as the Getty Trust, in developing the discipline-based arts education approach and of policy entrepreneurs, such as NEA Chairman Frank Hodsoll, in setting out the vision contained in Toward Civilization helped construct a window of opportunity that resonated with the education reform movement of the early 1980s and that seemed poised to converge with the next wave of educational policy reform at the end of the decade. However, the eruption of the Mapplethorpe-Serrano controversy diverted the attention of the arts community (almost irretrievably) from the arts education policy opportunity. After the arts were left out of the initial list of basic education subjects articulated by the Department of Education, it took a catch-up effort that involved massive lobbying by the professional arts education organizations, joined by the NEA, Getty, and other interested groups in the arts community, to develop National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) standards. This helped reestablish policy momentum for arts education in federal education reform efforts. Through the development of K-12 voluntary standards and NAEP assessment for K-12 arts education, arts education was reconnected to education reform efforts at the state and local levels.

The future of arts education policy will be influenced by the architecture and assumptions of arts policy - design considerations that are still in flux. Even though we may be through a policy window of opportunity, implementing the room beyond the window - still presents many challenges.

Each of the following three articles in this symposium explores the challenges of working effectively in this new policy environment.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Arts Education


Series Title: Arts Education Policy Review

Edition: Volume 98, Issue 5






Name: Heldref Publications

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