Theatre Professionals and Theatre Education: An Uneasy Detente

Author: Hansen, Brian

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Report


This paper is a modification of a position paper commissioned by the National Endowment for the Arts' Task Force on the training of professional artists and arts educators. It begins by tracing briefly the history of educational theatre as a professional discipline duplicating, complimenting, and -- occasionally -- challenging the professional theatre. The point is made that until recent years the two disciplines could maintain largely parallel and isolated sociological niches. The development of interest in the arts by the state and federal governments has begun to force the two disciplines to recognize one another, first as competitors and soon -- hopefully -- as collaborators. In the meantime, the new relationship is forcing serious re-examination and redefinition in the newer institutions -- educational theatre. The case illustrates the far-reaching effects of an apparently simple decision on the part of a federal bureaucracy on a complex relationship within an arts of discipline.


This paper is a modification of a position paper commissioned by the National Endowment for the Arts' Task Force on the training of professional artists and arts educators. It begins by tracing briefly the history of educational theatre as a professional discipline duplicating, complimenting, and -- occasionally -- challenging the professional theatre. The point is made that until recent years the two disciplines could maintain largely parallel and isolated sociological niches. The development of interest in the arts by the state and federal governments has begun to force the two disciplines to recognize one another, first as competitors and soon -- hopefully -- as collaborators. In the meantime, the new relationship is forcing serious re-examination and redefinition in the newer institutions -- educational theatre. The case illustrates the far-reaching effects of an apparently simple decision on the part of a federal bureaucracy on a complex relationship within an arts of discipline.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Arts Education


Series Title:




Pages: 20




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